This is a plugin that adds a command to your server, the /blockwalk
command. If you do this command you can walk around your world and every block you walk over wil change in a redstone block. (Currently I am making you can choose which block it changes to.)
If you want to activate the Blockwalk, you need to do /blockwalk
and it will say activated, now you can walk around and have fun!
To deactivate it do /blockwalk
again, and it will deactivate, and it will say Deactivated!
This plugin is very useful if you want to make way to your house. Or you can walk over water.
Also its is very fun to use!
If you have a server with less CPU power the server can begin to lagg.
But the most servers will run it perfectly!
- Making you choose what will be the new block under your feet.
- Allow you to choose which blocks to exclude from changing. (e.g. air)
At the moment there are no problems!
If you have a problem you can report it Here
Or go to our Discussions tab to report a problem or ask questions.
If you have nice ideas, Create your own code and then you can create a pullrequest Here
Or go to our Discussions tab to tell us your idea.
Use 1 of these following commands to activate or deactivate the blockwalk effect.
blockwalk.mainperm If you dont have this permission you cant use the plugin.
Name: BlockWalk
Author: koningcool
Version: 0.0.2
Spigot downloads: Bukkit downloads:
Wiki on github is coming for installation info!