


What it does

It adds effects to some of the splash unused potions and a command to easily recieve a potion.


Although it may seem that every unused potion is used, it only works for the given damage value.

Potion NameEffectDamage Value
DebonairShoots 35 arrows into the sky16415
CharmingSpawns a chicken16423
AcridExplodes (no block damage)16443
MundaneRemoves fire from affected mobs16384
ClearRemoves potion effects from affected mobs16391
Diffuse*Repels affected mobs16395
ArtlessAdds a random potion effect16397
Thin*Shoots the mob upwards; Also makes players stop flying16399
AwkwardTurns the mobs in a random direction16400
Bungling*Blindness and nausea for 15 seconds16407
SmoothTeleports mobs to the location where the potion hit16411
SuaveSpawns a random bluepotion16413
Thick*Lights mobs on fire for 10 seconds16416
Refined*Strikes affected mobs with psudolighting (fake lightning), then damages one heart and sets mob on fire for 5 seconds16427
Cordial*Absorbtion for 7.5 seconds and health boost for 15 seconds16429
Sparkling*Night vision for 15 seconds16431
Potent2.5 hearts damage16432
Rank*Slowness 3 for 15 seconds, along with a high note sound16439
Gross*Speed, water breathing, and hunger for 15 seconds16445
Stinky*15 seconds of either nausea, poison, or weakness, chosen randomly16447

* Affected by distance

Commands and Permissions

/bpot <damage>bpot.giveGive a potion (or splash potion) with the given damage value. It is an alternative to /give <name> 373 1 <damage>
N/Abpot.updateNotifies of plugin updates


update-typeHow the plugin would check for updates. (see below)

Update Types

  • notify (default) - will only nodify players with permission bpot.update of updates if one is available.
  • auto - will automatically download an update and notify players to reload.
  • none - no update checking

Source Code



What new effects should I add to other potions? It doesn't have to just be splash potions, it can also be the drinkable potions also. Planned features here.



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