BlueTelepads - Seamless, commandless, admin or player controlled multiworld teleport
Create a system of symmetric telepads for your server!
Comments below!
Source and Bug Reports/Feature Suggestions
How To
To use BlueTelepads, build two telepads. For both pads, you'll need:
- 2 signs
- 2 center blocks (lapis lazuli by default, where the plugin gets its name!)
- 16 double or single slabs (smooth stone double slabs by default)
- 2 stone pressure plates Once you have your materials together, build your two telepads:
- Place the center block.
- Place the slabs to the north, south, east, and west of the center block.
- Place a sign underneath the center block. Make the fourth line of the sign the telepad's location name, if you want.
- The direction the sign is facing is important. Players will spawn at the destination telepad facing the text of the destination pad's sign.
- For the name, if you have a telepad on the roof of your house, and you set the fourth line to "My Roof," when you teleport there, BlueTelepads will tell you "Sending you to My Roof."
- Place a stone pressure plate on top of the center block.
- After you've built your telepads, tap (left click) the pressure plate of both telepads with redstone.
- Start teleporting!
- Symmetric telepad system (two telepads are linked to each other)
- Commandless operation
- Telepad creation can be controlled by admins or left to players via permissions
- No databases
- Automatically links with various economy plugins via Nijikokun's Register API
- Allowed maximum distance between telepads is configurable
- Telepad materials are configurable
- Warmup and cooldown times are configurable
- Players and groups with permissions can create asymmetric free telepads (free to go out, but pay to come back, or vice versa)
Permission | Default | Description |
bluetelepads.use | Everyone | Allows the use of telepads |
bluetelepads.create | Everyone | Allows the creation of pay-to-use telepads |
bluetelepads.createfree | Ops | Allows the creation of free telepads |
bluetelepads.destroy | Ops | Allows destruction of signs for active (linked and not reset) pads |
bluetelepads.alwaysfree | No one | Grants free teleports on all pads |
See default config file for options and instructions.
ne0nx3r0: ne0n was the original developer of BlueTelepads. He left his plugins up for grabs, and it was picked up and cared for by...
Specops343: Specops picked up BlueTelepads and kept it alive after ne0n stopped development.
Many thanks to both of them for their hard work on this plugin.
[Version 1.3]
- Pets now teleport with their owners inter- and intra-world (Code contributed by @tobast)
- Wood slabs removed as an option. Wood slab pads will magically become smooth stone slab pads when converted from v1 to v2.
- Pads updated to v2. Pads will auto convert the first time a player hits the pressure plate.
- Pads now support locations up to +/-512,000 x and z. (Thanks, @Crazdale)
[Version 1.2.3]
- Fix error when a server had no economy plugins at all (thanks, @snowy007)
[Version 1.2.2]
- Compiled against Craftbukkit 1.2.4-R1.0 (2126)
- Compiled against Vault 1.2.13. Economies fixed
- You can now use ampersand-based color codes in destination names
- BT will now track pads and force the plates to pop back up 1 second after they're used (works around MC 1.2.3+ bug)
[Version 1.2.1]
- Compiled against Craftbukkkit b1.2.3-R0.2 (2060).
- Implemented the disableEconomy option (oops)
- KNOWN ISSUE: Vault appears to have an issue with the current beta. set disableEconomy to true to work around for the time being.
[Version 1.2]
- Updated listeners to new Bukkit API
- Updated config to new Bukkit API
- Switched economy lib from Register to Vault
[Version 1.1]
- Add customizable messages for players to use their own or translate the plugin
- Add option to disable economy even if detected, allowing use of all slab types
- Fix a Null Pointer Exception on servers that do not have an economy installed
- Add 1.8 slab types
[Version 1.0.1]
- Fix bad Register.jar link
[Version 1.0]
- Assorted bug fixes for 1.0 release
- Add option to use single slabs
[Version 1.0b2]
- Players were facing 180 degrees the wrong direction after teleporting
- Fixed a bug where a lagging player could move slightly after stepping on the telepad, then hold still to teleport
- Fixed a bug with calculating the slab destination option
- Added missing destroy permission in plugin.yml
- Move config loading so that only one server reboot is required on initial install
- Fix for useSlabAsDestination only working with WALL_SIGN and not SIGN_POST
[Version 1.0b1]
- Initial public release
- Added Register/Economy integration and free and pay teleport pads
- Yanked Permissions support (deprecated plugin)
- Added Bukkit Superperms support
- Fixed bug where players could spawn multiple messages on a telepad
- Major code cleanup
- Exposed warmup and cooldown times as config options instead of hardcoding them
- Added option to teleport players to slab across from sign instead of atop the pressure plate
- Prevent signs from being broken
[Version 0.5.3]
- Plugin Keep Alive! :)
[Version 0.5.3]
- Sign now determines the direction you end up facing
[Version 0.5.2]
- Added disable_teleport_message flag
[Version 0.5.1]
- Player now lands on the receiving telepad instead of in front of it, and is facing the direction he is when he leaves
[Version 0.5]
- Player now lands on the receiving telepad instead of in front of it, and is facing the direction he is when he leaves
- Added "telepad_center" and "telepad_surrounding" config options, so users can specify the id of the block to be used. 0 = anything
[Version 0.4.1]
- Added 'disable_teleport_wait' true/false option in config.yml; this will disable the 'preparing to send you to' wait time when you step on the telepad.
[Version 0.4]
- Bug fixes here and there
- Fixed issue with long range telepads not linking
- You can now reset a telepad for re-linking by breaking the pressure plate on top of it, then clicking on the lapis block with redstone. Then you can relink it!
[Version 0.3.2]
- Fixed a few NPE, also added right clicking on telepads removes the stored location
[Version 0.3.1]
- Changed name line on telepad signs to the 4th line
[Version 0.3]
- Removed water effect, still working multi-world functionality, changed storage method for signs (for multiworld primarily), added permissions/op only support, added max_distance, added config file.
[Version 0.2]
- Added timeout between ports, switched to sync instead of async events
[Version 0.1]
- Initial update