Boomerang TPRequest

Boomerang TPRequest


Boomerang TPRequest

Boomerang TPRequest is part of a series of plugins designed to let you pick the functionality you want from the Boomerang suite of plugins.


Only the good parts.

  • Versions 1.8.x and 1.9.
  • Request to teleport to another player or request another player to teleport to you.
  • Configurable request timeout.

Related Plugins

Boomerang Home Boomerang Spawn Boomerang Extra Boomerang Transfer

Installation and Configuration

Place BTprequest.jar in your plugins folder and then reload or restart the server. It is recommended that you test and configure any plugin on a test server.


Strings can be a challenging thing to enter into a config.yml. It is recommended you use single quotes ( ' ) around strings with other than alpha-numeric content such as tellraw messages.

Mac users may find it troubling to use double quotes as TextEdit tends to automatically alter closing quotes which won't play with YAML. To get around that, copy and paste quotes.

The time in seconds a request expires.

Commands and Permissions

tprequest (alias
Request to teleport to a player.

Usage: tprequest <player>
Permissions: btprequest.tprequest
tphere (alias
Request a player to teleport to you.

Usage: tphere <player>
Permission: btprequest.tphere
tpdeny (aliases
tpd, tpno, tpn)
Deny a teleport request from another player.

Usage: tpdeny <player>
Permission: btprequest.tpdeny
tpaccept (aliases
tpa, tpyes, tpy)
Accept a teleport request from another player.

Usage: tpaccept <player>
Permission: btprequest.tpaccept
tplist (alias
List pending teleport requests.

Usage: tplist
Permission: btprequest.tplist
tpcancel (alias
Cancel pending teleport request you have made.

Usage: tpcancel
Permission: btprequest.tpcancel
btprequest (alias
Boomerang Tprequest administrative commands.

Usage: btprequest [expire [seconds
Permission: btprequest.btprequest