


Hey all! This is my first Bukkit/Spigot plugin so I am open to feedback and suggestions.

Supports up to Minecraft version 1.12.2

What does it do?

When you have a BoomRod in your hand, right-click to create a harmless-to-players explosion at where you're looking. It could also be used as a explosive tool to terraform.

How do I get one?

In-game, type "/boomrod" to receive the weapon (blazerod).

Who can use it?

As of now, only OPs can successfully equip & wield a BoomRod with "/boomrod".

However, any player can wield a BoomRod and explode anyone or anything.

Planned Features

  • Add damage to players
  • Option to adjust radius of explosion
  • Option to adjust damage of explosion
  • Anti-spamming (disable players from holding down right-click)
  • Permissions
  • A better image?
  • A better name?
  • And more! (Please suggest any ideas in the comments section)



  • First Release