



BoostPlates is a new Bukkit plugin that allows the creation of customizable pressure plates that shoot players forwards!

BoostPlates logo

What does it do?

BoostPlates will allow you to create customizable "boostplates" which look like pressure plates, but they are really different! Upon standing on a boostplate, the player will be shot in a certain configured direction. These directions are not even configured in the config.yml, you can create and modify them on the spot using hidden signs under the boostplates.

How do I install this?

To install boostplates all you need to do is drag the JAR file which you can download here on this page to your plugins folder in your server! Everything will work right out of the box with no configuration needed!

Boostplate Creation

First you must make sure that your are an operator (OP) on the server that BoostPlates is installed on. Then you must find a location to place your boostplate. Second, you must place down a pressure plate. Then, below the block the pressure plate is on must be a sign with the following text written on it. Line 1 should say [BoostPlate]. Line 2 should be the distance you want the player shot in the direction the player is facing and also the distance upwards. Smaller numbers work better for this, as a high number may glitch and not let the BoostPlate work. Make sure that you seperate the forward distance and y distance with a comma. If you don't want an upwards distance then change the upwards part to 0. Example of line 2: "3,2". Line 3 will be either true or false. Put it as true if you want the player to not take fall damage after being on the boostplate. Do false if you want the player to take fall damage after being on the boostplate. Line 4 will contain 2 things just like line 2. Line 4 regards the sound that is played when you step on the plate and it is also an optional line. To start line 4 make the first part a sound name, an index of sounds well be below. Then the second part which is separated by a comma is the octave which the sound is played at. The higher octave means the faster sound and this can create some interesting noises! An example of line 4 will be "ghast_moan,4". Then after your done this you can cover everything up and only expose the boostplate. Then you may walk on the boostplate and be shot in your configured direction.

Index of sounds: Click here!

Permissions support?

Permission support is planned in the next update of BoostPlates.

Awesome job Astram, I really like it!

Thanks! There will be more awesome plugins from me as well! However, if you could I would really appreciate you subscribing to my YouTube channel to help it grow! Here is the link: Click here!


If you use BoostPlates on a server please tell me and I'll list the IP in this post, in this section!