



BountyPerks+ is the perfect plugin to bring a new game element to your PvP server! 

Each player starts with a bounty of $0 when they join the server.  Whenever a player kills another player, their bounty is raised by $2000 (this amount can be changed both in-game and in the config).   Players can also add their own money to someone else's bounty.  When a player with a bounty is killed by another player, the murderer collects the dead player's bounty and the dead player's bounty is reset to $0.

Now for the fun stuff!  As your bounty rises, so does your bounty rank.  Ranks range all the way from Citizen to Mafia Boss.  Each time you hit the bounty level for a new rank (these bounty levels are also configurable), you gain a new attribute.  Some of these are buffs, like permanent strength or speed.  Others make it easier for people to track you down and collect your bounty.  They may be able to make you glow, see your coordinates, or teleport to you.

Additionally, there is the option to turn on bounties for mobs.  In other words, players get paid for killing mobs.  The amount for each mob can be changed in the config.yml file.



Citizen ~ $0 ~ No attributes

Rebel ~ $1000 ~ Other players now make you glow for 10 seconds when they use /BountyTrack {your name}

Petty Criminal ~ $2500 ~ Permanent Speed I

Bandit ~ $5000 ~ Permanent Strength I

Rogue ~ $10000 ~ Other players now see your coordinates when they use /BountyTrack {your name}

Ruffian ~ $25000 ~ Permanent Resistance I

Thug ~ $50000 ~ Permanent Speed II

Outlaw ~ $100000 ~ Other players now teleport close to you when they use /BountyTrack {your name}

Hitman ~ $175000 ~ Permanent Strength II

Mafia Boss ~ $300000 ~ Resistance II, Luck III, Fire Resistance, Haste II, Jump Boost II, Night Vision, Saturation, Water Breathing 

Anti-Abuse Measures

In order to keep 2 friends from killing each other over and over again in order to make money, players only get money added to their bounty the first time they kill each player each day.  So if Player A kills Player B, money will be added to Player A's bounty.  Player A can still kill Player B after that, but no more money will be added to their bounty for killing Player B until the next day.  However, Player A can still kill Player C that day and get money added to their bounty. 

List of Player Commands

/BountyGuide ~ Gives an overview of the BountyPerks plugin

/BountyInfo ~ Gives a list of the Bounty Ranks and perks

/Bounty {player name} ~ Tells you a player's current bounty

/BountyRank {player name} ~ Tells you a player's current bounty rank

/MyBounty ~ Tells you your current bounty

/MyBountyRank ~ Tells you your current bounty rank

/AddBounty {player name} {amount} ~ Takes your money and adds it to a player's bounty

/TopBounty ~ Shows the top 10 bounties on the server

/BountyTrack {player name} ~ Helps you find a player (does more when tracking players with high bounties)

List of Admin Commands/Permissions

/SetBounty {player name} {amount} ~ Sets a player's bounty (bounty.setbounty)

/SetBountyPerKill {amount} ~ Set the amount a player's bounty goes up when they kill another player (bounty.setbountyperkill)

/ToggleMobPay ~ Toggles whether or not players get paid for killing mobs (bounty.togglemobpay)

/ToggleMobMessages ~ Toggles whether or not players are notified when they get paid for killing mobs (bounty.togglemobmessages)

/ChangeRankAmount {rank name without spaces} ~ Changes bounty needed for a rank (bounty.changerankamount)



Some sort of Economy


Shut down your server.  Then drop BountyPerks.jar into your plugins folder and... Boom! Start up your server and it's ready to go!

Future Development

I'm currently looking for suggestions on features to add! Also, let me know if you find any bugs.