BowsPlus Plugin
- TNT, Explosive, Lightning, Teleport, Poisoned, Ice, Snowball and Trolling Bows with Configurable Bow Names, Craftings(you can disable in config), Particles(while arrow is flying)! TNTBows with ammo !
- Works with 1.7-1.8 versions
- This plugin allows you to use special bows with craftings(you can disable in config)!*
- Commands: /bow <bowname> - /bow info - /bow reload
- Permissions:
permissions: bow.maincommand: description: Allows player to use maincommand default: op bow.use.tntbow: description: Allows player to use TNTBow default: op bow.use.teleportbow: description: Allows player to use TeleportBow default: op bow.use.explosivebow: description: Allows player to use ExplosiveBow default: op bow.use.lightningbow: description: Allows player to use LightningBow default: op bow.use.trollbow: description: Allows player to use TrollBow default: op bow.use.icebow: description: Allows player to use IceBow default: op bow.use.poisonedbow: description: Allows player to use PoisonedBow default: op bow.use.snowbow: description: Allows player to use SnowBow default: op
Bow Types
- Shoots Primed TNT. Requries ammo if you are on survival mode. Crafting:
Teleport Bow
- Teleports you to arrow hit location. Shows portal particles on arrow. Crafting:
Explosive Bow
- Explodes arrow hit location. Doesn't harm blocks. Shows fire particles on arrow. Crafting:
Lightning Bow
- Strikes lightning at arrow hit location. Shows black potion particles on arrow. Crafting:
Troll Bow
- Shoots normal arrow but teleports you to arrow while arrow is flying. Crafting:
Ice Bow
- Shoots snowball and creates 3x3x3 cuboid ice blocks at arrow hit location. Shows town aure particles on snowball. Crafting:
Poisoned Bow
- Adds poison effect to hitted entity. Show white potion particles on arrow. Crafting:
Snow Bow
- Shoots snowball instead of arrow. It has the same direction and speed with arrow. Crafting:
Creeper Bow
- Shoots creeper with arrow. Crafting:
# # Use "&" for color codes BowCraftings: TNTBow: true TeleportBow: true ExplosiveBow: true LightningBow: true TrollBow: true IceBow: true PoisonedBow: true SnowBow: true CreeperBow: true BowNames: TNTBow: '&cTNTBow' TeleportBow: '&cTeleportBow' ExplosiveBow: '&cExplosiveBow' LightningBow: '&cLightningBow' TrollBow: Bow IceBow: '&cIceBow' PoisonedBow: '&cPoisonedBow' SnowBow: '&cSnowBow' CreeperBow: '&cCreeperBow' Particles: TeleportBow: true ExplosiveBow: true LightningBow: true PoisonedBow: true IceBow: true Metrics: true
Pictures Using Bows
Video Tutorials
- -> (version 1.8 Minecraft 1.8.3 - by ServerMiner -
- -> (version 1.2)
- -> (Finnish - version 1.8 Minecraft 1.8.7)
- -> (Turkish - version 1.8 Minecraft 1.7.10)
- -> (Spanish - version 1.9 Minecraft 1.8.7)
- -> (English - version 2.1 Minecraft 1.8.7)