


BoxMines - the essential plugin for all box-mining and prison servers.


Easy to use and understand
Select areas to create mines using WorldEdit
Support for creating mines without WorldEdit
Edit the percentage of ores in each mine
Add any block to each mine
Automatically broadcast mine resets
Automatically teleport players out of the mine to prevent suffocation

Planned Features:

Customizing all messages
Optimizing mine resetting

Commands & Permissions:

/bm list
  - **Permission**: boxmines.list
  - Lists the names of all added mines
/bm add <mineName>
  - **Permission**: boxmines.add
  - Adds a mine
/bm remove <mineName>
  - **Permission**: boxmines.remove
  - Removes a mine
/bm set <mineName> <block> <spawnPercentage>
  - **Permission**: boxmines.set
  - Sets the percentage of the mine in which a block will appear. If you wish to replace one, you must first unset the old one.
  - Example:
    - Set the mine to have 90% cobblestone: /bm set <mineName> cobblestone 90
/bm unset <mineName> <block>
  - **Permission**: boxmines.unset
  - Remove a block from a mine entirely
  - Example:
    - Remove cobblestone from the mine: /bm unset <mineName> cobblestone
/bm clear <mineName>
  - **Permission**: boxmines.clear
  - Clears the selected mine
/bm tp <mineName>
  - **Permission**:
  - Teleports the player to a mine
/bm regenerate <mineName>
  - **Permission**: boxmines.regenerate
  - Resets a mine
/bm rule <mineName> <setOption> <rule> <value>
  - **Permission**: boxmines.rule
  - Changes a rule on a mine
  - Example:
    - Set the mine to announce regeneration: /bm rule <mineName> set announceRegen true
/bm reload
  - **Permission**: boxmines.reload
  - Reloads the plugin
  - Lists all the commands

To report any bugs, post them in the discussion thread on SpigotMC or create a new issue in GitHub.