Broadcaster is a plugin that allows you to broadcast a message to the whole server using the /broadcast (/bc) command. The message can contain color codes, specified in the plugin or while typing the command. The prefix (default: '&4&lBroadcast > &r&c') can be edited using the config file.
Added autobroadcaster.
Replaced "/broadcast" reload with "/broadcaster reload" (reloads config)
Added /broadcaster add <message> (Add a message to the auto-broadcaster)
Added permission "broadcaster.add" for that message.
Added option to disable the auto-broadcaster.
- Download the .jar file
- Place the file in your /plugins folder
- Restart or reload your server
To use the commands, make sure that you either:
- Are OP
- Have set up the correct permissions in your permission manager
Commands & Permissions
/broadcast <message>
Allows the user to broadcast a message to the server.
/broadcaster reload
Allows the user to reload the config. Do this after changing the prefix in the config file.
/worldbroadcast <message>
Broadcasts the specified message only to the world you are in.
Broadcasts the specified message only to the world you are in.
/broadcaster add <message>
Add a message to the list of automatically broadcasted messages in the config.
Add a message to the list of automatically broadcasted messages in the config.
All commands are default to OP.
- Please go over to my Discord if you have a question about the plugin or have found a bug: please don't spam them in the review section
- This plugin is of course free, but a donation, no matter how small, is always appreciated!