BugReport Plugin
By: SenpaiiCat
Hello! This is my first plugin in the Developing world I've submitted to Bukkit.org!
My plugin lets players send bug reports, which in turn lets Ops see them, and remove them, if they think isn't a bug, or has been fixed.
The config file is extremely straight forward, and a tree would be able to figure it out.
/bugreport [bug description]
Alias: /br Report a bug so that Operators can see it. Players can only send one bug at a time, till it has been removed/resolved, then only can they send another one. Do /bugreport or /br to view help for plugin
Alias: None Op's can do this command and lets them view All Bugs. Player names and bug description will be shown.
/removebug [Player]
Alias: /rb removes a bug with the variable of the player. /removebug Notch will remove Notch's bug.
/RemoveBug /Rb
Thats it!
I am a 15 year old newbie, who just started programming from Singapore.
I have been coding for about 5 months now, and hope you liked my first plugin!
Thanks to StormCoreFilms for the inspiration (Building off his plugin tutorial)