


Bukcore is a Core-plugin provide some API that use kotlin feature to make plugin development easier. This plugin also add some useful command for server admin.

please download NBT-API to use full feature of this plugin

list of commands

Config :

  • rtp.enable : enable rtp (random teleport)
  • rtp.cooldown : rtp cooldown (per world support)
  • rtp.delay : delay in sec (usually delay*20 tick) before teleport (per world support)
  • rtp.anchorX : lock X coordinate to this value (per world support)
  • rtp.anchorZ : lock Z coordinate to this value (per world support)
  • rtp.min-radius :  min radius to teleport (per world support)
  • rtp.max-radius :  max radius to teleport (per world support)
  • rtp.pre-load-chunks-area : area of chunks around player to load before teleport (per world support)
  • rtp.<world-name>.<key> : per world configuration eg. rtp.world_nether.enable: false
  • openchest.range : number of block to find a chest that player are looking at
  • openchest.silent : open a chest silently
  • sortinv.mode : merge(sort and merge item) / default (just sort)

error or suggestion please create issue on github