Important news !
I'm looking for developpers to help me maintain and continue the Bukkit Webby support. I'm not playing minecraft anymore, so I'll only try to maintain the Bukkit compatibility (ie: make it work with the last version).
A good Java knowledge is required, and some CSS / HTML / Javascripts (AJAX) basics.
Welcome to Bukkit Webby main page
Bukkit Webby is a lightweight web administration that is easy and fast to setup
It's made of two components :
- WebbyBukkitPlugin is a Bukkit Plugin that interacts with Bukkit, read your server log, find all online users, etc.
- WebbyRTK is a RTK module that interacts with RemoteToolkit and run the webserver. Even if Bukkit has been shutdown, the webserver will persists and allow you to restart Bukkit.
You don't need to setup a webserver yourself. Apache is not needed. You don't need anything else than Bukkit and RTK. See "How to install" for more detailed instructions.
Current Features :
- Server administration based on Bukkit Remote Toolkit (Start / Stop / Restart / Reload)
- Online configuration files
- Online server log
- Backup management (manual backup, automated restore)
- Easy installation : drop the jars and files as any bukkit plugins, setup port, login and password for webby and RTK, and you are done !
As I will use this plugin for my own server, I will eventually add some features that I need
- Plugins management
- User interactions (Kick, Ban, Tell...)
- ...
How to install ?
Youtube video (less than 2 min) : Bukkit Webby Installation Tutorial
Please watch this video once before reporting installations problems.
Detailed steps :
(If you start from a fresh Bukkit, you will need to run craftbukkit.jar once to generate all required configuration files used by BukkitWebby !!)
- Download the last version (BukkitWebby.jar) that contains the two components required to launch BukkitWebby.
- Download Remote Toolkit and install it (more informations available on the forum).
- Copy the content of the BukkitWebby.jar to your Bukkit root folder (directories should match).
- Edit config.yml in plugins/BukkitWebby to change the ports and user account
- You may need to setup your firewall to allow the specified ports
- Don't run craftbukkit.jar. Instead, use the RTK wrapper (see the above link for more informations depending on your operation system).
- You should see in the log that BukkitWebby and WebbyRTK are both enabled.
- Go to http://[your-server-ip]:[port]. On your local computer, with the default configuration, it will be http://localhost:25567/index
- Login. You are done ! :)
Important informations about ports
Two ports are used by BukkitWebby. That means you need 4 ports (these 2, one for Bukkit, and one for RemoteToolkit). All these ports MUST BE DIFFERENTS
For example, Bukkit can be run on the port 25565 (players will then connect using the serverip:25565 in Minecraft), BukkitWebby and RTKBukkit will use the localPort 25564. The Webserver will be accessible on 25567, and RemoteToolkit will respond to any commands sent to 25560.
Default configuration
#Webby options
#Webserver port used to listen to web connections (Ex: http://localhost:25567/login) (default = 25567)
port: 25567
#Local port used by the Webby RTKModule to communicate with the Webby Bukkit Plugin (default = 25564)
localPort : 25564
#Administration login
login: admin
password: admin
#Timeout in minutes before a user has to relog after inactivity (default = 10 minutes)
sessionTimeout: 10
#RemoteToolkit port (Same as in, default = 25561)
port: 25561
#Host. You shouldn't have to change this. (Default = localhost)
host: localhost
#RemoteToolkit login (See the or .bat files, default = user)
login: user
#RemoteToolkit password (See the or .bat files, default = pass)
password: pass
Want to see/contribute to the code?
BukkitWebby on GITHub