Feedback needed. Post comments below.
Bulldozer is designed to be a powerful tool for Minecraft landscape manipulation. It is similar to world edit in concept, but with hopes of giving more functionality and power to the user.
If there's a bug you find or a feature you think would be useful in this plugin, post it in the comments.
Current Version: Release v1 (Known Bugs Fixed)
- Major code rewrite while bug fixing = performance
- File saving and loading rewritten (faster and smaller files)
- More effective block storage data structure = performance
- Error checking on bad command arguments
- Major code cleanup = less bug issues in the future
- Rotations locked to 90 degree iterations
- /kit is now /bdkit (To remove essentials command conflict)
- Clear command split into "clears" for selection and "clearc" for clipboard
- Wipe command removed. Use /reload or restart the server instead
- Few typo fixes (there still might be a few)
- More clear information on running commands.
Previous Versions:
- Beta v2
- Rotations (Angles divisible by 90 have the best effect such as 90, 180, 270)
- Measuring Tape! No more guessing "Was that 25 or 26 blocks?"
- The 1.7.2 version should work on 1.7.4 with no problems. Please post in the comments if there are.
- Note: This is a rough update with the rotate. Do not attempt strangle angles like 45 unless you want to clean up a mess of leftover blocks. Please!
- Beta v1.1
- File Saving should be faster now.
- Tweaked the "in progress" message to every 10 server ticks.
- Tweaked storage for cleaner and faster code.
- Minor: Fixed message on save saying there was no selection. "Saving" works off of the blocks stored in "copy," so copy the area you want to save before saving it to a file.
- Beta v1.0
- File Loading and Saving! They are stored in the plugins folder under "ArchFiles"
- ArchFiles are Bulldozer's way of saving blocks. You can read them if you want, but changing them can cause you headaches.
- Copying and Pasting! This one was a bit of pain to get working with everything else, but it's done and it's awesome!
- Cleaner output from Bulldozer about commands and what's going on.
- Alpha v6.2
- No longer need to edit the config.yml for permissions. The OPs (Operators) of the server will be the only ones that have access to the plugin commands.
- SubIDs You can now edit in blocks like wool or stained clay or even various logs. For the block IDs, do (main block ID):(sub ID). An example is " 35:15 " for Black wool.
- /replace Command added
- Code cleanup
First Time Run
- Running Bulldozer for the first time? Upgrading to a changed version? Read this real quick for the changes / features.
- Make sure you or the person using it is a server operator (OP).
- Use /bdkit for the tools.
- Use /clears to clear the selection.
- Use /clearc to clear the clipboard.
- Use /undo to undo a bad edit.
- Use /undo all to undo everything you did since the server started.
- Forgot what the specifics of a command? Use the command without any arguments for a help message. (Ex: /box)
- Place the Bulldozer.jar in the plugins folder.
- Load the server (Bulldozer will display a message that it was enabled)
- Server Operators (OPs) will be the only ones with access to commands.
- Edit away!
Important Explainations
Variable | Description |
-c | Chunk ( Do something on the selected chunks ) |
-p | Block ( Do between the farthest blocks of the selection ) |
-f | Filled ( Make the shape with the blocks inside filled in ) |
-h | Hollow ( Make the shape with the inside the same ) |
Block Type | The ID of the block you want the edit to be done with. Ex: 1 for Stone / 35:11 for Blue Wool |
High Offset | How much of an extra height to add to the edit |
Low Offset | How much of an extra depth to add to the edit |
Height | How high the shape should be |
Radius | How far from the first selected block the shape should be made |
- What to type:
- Purpose: Gives the player a black wool block (Mark), a cyan wool block (Paste), and an orangle wool block (Measure).
- Example: /bdkit
- What to type:
// Nothing :)
- How to do it: Right click with the black wool block with the name "Marker"
- Purpose: Used for selecting blocks to edits on. The first block will always turn to gold and the rest will always turn to glass.
- Note: If you right click after an edit and it's a glass block, it means you didn't clear your selection.
- Note: After an edit, the blocks will change back to what they were originally, but the selection is still there. Which means, you can experiment with different block IDs if you wanted in the same selection without have to reclick it every time.
- What to type:
// Nothing :)
- How to do it: Right click a block with "Mark"/Black Wool in kit and then right click with "Measure"/Orangle Wool in kit. The gold block in the selection will stay until you do /clear so you can measure over and over again without having to reclick the first block.
- Purpose: Measure the distance between the gold block (First block in the selection) and the block that is right clicked.
Clearing Selection
- What to type:
- Purpose: Clears the selection (for edits). A message will pop up saying if it was cleared.
- Example: /clears
Clearing Clipboard
- What to type:
- Purpose: Clears the clipboard (for pasting, saving, loading). A message will pop up saying if it was cleared.
- Example: /clearc
- What to type:
- Purpose: Undos one edit. If there is nothing to undo, it will say so.
- Example: /undo
- What to type:
/undo all
- Purpose: Undos all edits that are stored. Be careful with this one. If something important was made, it might undo it forever.
- Example: /undo all
- What to type:
/copy [Flag] [High Offset] [Low Offset]
- Flag: -y
- Use this for copying all types of blocks in your selection (including air).
- Example: /copy -y 0 10
- Flag: -n
- Use this flag for copying non-air blocks only.
- Example: /copy -n 10 0
- Purpose: Copies the area between your selection to the clipboard.
- What to type:
// Nothing :)
- How to do it: Right click with the cyan wool block with the title "Paste Block."
- Purpose: Pastes the blocks on the clipboard starting from the first block you selected.
- Note: You can right click as much as you want. The clipboard doesn't clear until you clear it.
- What to type:
/rotate [Number of 90 Degree Rotations]
- Purpose: Rotates your clipboard around the first block you clicked (the gold block).
- Note: By default, if you type "/rotate" it will rotate by 90 degrees.
- Note: To get the hang of it, I would make something like a 3 by 3 blocks and try it on that so you see what exactly happens.
- Example: /rotate 2
Rectangular Prisms
- What to type:
/box [Flag] [Block Type] [High Offset] [Low Offset]
- Flag: -c
- Using this flag does an edit on the whole chunk from one corner to the other. This is repeated for every other chunk that is selected.
- Example: /box -c 79
- Flag: -p
- Using this flag is the normal edit from the two farthest blocks in the selection.
- Example: /box -p 2 10 8
- Purpose: Makes a "box" from the two farthest selected blocks.
- What to type:
/border [Flag] [Block Type] [High Offset] [Low Offset]
- Flag: -c
- Using this flag makes a border around every chunk that was selected. You can even use this to figure out how big a chunk is.
- Example: /border -c 79 3
- Flag: -p
- Using this flag makes a border from the two farthest blocks in the selection.
- Example: /border -p 1
- Purpose: Makes high walls or a bordered floor depending on the high and low offsets.
- What to type:
/cyl [Flag] [Block Type] [Radius] [Height] [Low Offset]
- Flag: -h
- Using this flag makes the cylinder hollow (empty on the inside).
- Example: /cyl -h 79 10 10 0
- Flag: -f
- Using this flag makes the cylinder filled (with the same block as "Block Type").
- Example: /cyl -f 79 5 5
- Purpose: Makes cylinders that have a base of a circle of "radius."
- What to type:
/sph [Flag] [Block Type] [Radius]
- Flag: -h
- Using this flag makes the sphere hollow (empty on the inside).
- Example: /sph -h 2 10
- Flag: -f
- Using this flag makes the sphere filled (with the same block as "Block Type").
- Example: /sph -f 79 15
- Purpose: Makes a sphere of "radius."
- What to type:
/cone [Flag] [Block Type] [Radius] [Height]
- Flag: -h
- Using this flag makes the cone hollow (empty on the inside).
- Example: /cone -h 79 10 10
- Flag: -f
- Using this flag makes the sphere filled (with the same block as "Block Type").
- Purpose: Makes a cone.
- Example: /cone -f 1 5 5
- Cool Note: Make the height negative and it creates a downward cone.
- What to type:
/replace [Flag] [Block Type #1] [Block Type #2] [High Offset] [Low Offset]
- Flag: -c
- Using this flag does an edit on the whole chunk from one corner to the other. This is repeated for every other chunk that is selected.
- Example: /replace -c 0 1
- Flag: -p
- Using this flag is the normal edit from the two farthest blocks in the selection.
- Example: /replace -p 1 79
- Purpose: Replaces every thing in the selection that is Block Type #1 with Block Type #2.
- What to type:
/undo final
- Purpose: Prevents you from undo-ing all the edits you made. So if you did /undo all , it would make the land as it was before you made anything on it with Bulldozer. If your house was on it, it's now gone. To stop that, do /undo final and even if you do "/undo all" all day long it won't undo the edits you made.
- Warning: Be careful with this one. It's useful, but if you do need to go back to how the land was before you won't be able to.
- Example: /undo final
Loading .arch Files
- What to type:
/load [File Name] -n
- Purpose: Opens up the file (you don't need the .arch) and gives you some information on what is stored inside.
- Example: /load House -n
- What to type:
/load [File Name] -y
- Purpose: Actually loads the blocks in the file into your clipboard so you can paste them.
- Example: /load House -y
Saving .arch Files
- What to type:
/save [File Name] [Description]
- Purpose: Saves whatever is on the clipboard, so make sure you do /copy before running this command.
- Note: Description needs to be one word, but it could be like this: HiThisIsADescription.
- Example: /save House MyDirtHouseIsAwesome
- All issues should be reported in the comments.
Features To Implement
- [Done] Selection with a marker item
- [Done] /undo command
- [Done] /sph command
- [Done] /cyl command
- [Done] /border command
- [Done] /cone command
- [Done] /replace command
- [Done] SubIDs for Wool + Stained Clay + Others
- [Done] Help commands (simply do /box or /cone or /sph)
- [Done] File Loading / Saving
- Bonus: Asyncronous loading / saving, so it doesn't lag the server. [DONE!]
- Pyramid
- Checker Board
- See Chunks
- Large Biome Generation
- Prebuilt House Files
- More.. (suggest in comments if desired)