What it does
BungeeTeleporter was made to make the life of both Admins and players much easier by providing an intuitive way to teleport between your Bungecord-Servers: Signs! It also features a ton of cool features, see the features-section below!
Please note: This plugin is made for Bungeecord-servers, so it will probably not work on normal servers!
The teleportsigns are managed by this plugin. See the How to setup a sign-section to see how.
Please note that the target-server should not have color-codes in its motd, because if it has, the server is displayed as offline.
You can create your own commands for teleporting between servers! See the How to setup a command-section to see how.
If you use a command to teleport to the server you are already on, you will be teleported to spawn.
- Custom Teleportation-Signs
- Permissions for every server
- Get teleported to the lobby on kick or ban
- Custom commands for teleporting to servers
- Everthing outsourced, so it is linkable between all servers
- Custom messages
Command | Description | Permission Node |
/kicknstop | Send all players to the defined lobby-server and stop the server | bungeeteleporter.kicknstop |
/<custom> | Define custom-commands in the config. For example set up a command /lobby to teleport to the lobby! | bungeeteleporter.teleportcmd.<server> |
Permission Node | Description |
bungeeteleporter.sign.create | Permission to create teleport-signs |
bungeeteleporter.sign.remove | Permission to remove teleport-signs |
bungeeteleporter.sign.use.<server> | Permission to use a specific teleport-sign. Use bungeeteleporter.sign.use.* to allow access for all signs! |
bungeeteleporter.teleportcmd.<server> | Allow access to the commands for a specific server |
Name | Description |
chatPrefix | This is the prefix that is added to all messages from the plugin |
teleportcmds | Here you can define custom commands for teleportation. In this case, the command /lobby will take you to bukkit1. The server-name has to be equal to the server-name you defined for Bungeecord! |
teleportOnKick | The server that a kicked player will be teleported to. If set to none, this feature is disabled. |
serverSigns | Here you can define signs. To know how to add these signs, refer to the Signs-section below. The first value (in this case bukkit1) is the name of the server as defined in the bungeecord-config. Host is the adress of the server, port the, well, port and displayname is the name that shows up for the sign. |
layouts | Set teleportOnClick to false to get a view-only-sign. Set the texts for online and offline. Define the four lines of the sign under Layout with the help of the following placeholders:
messages | Use this section if you want a different text for a message or if you want to translate the plugin |
You can use Color-Codes in the whole config.
How to setup a sign
The signs are created by placing a sign and writing the following:Line 1: [btsign]
Line 2: <server>
Line 3: <layout>
The server has to be configured in the config and has to have the same name as in the BungeeCord-Config! You can create your own layout or simply use the default one. If it is still unclear, how to setup a sign, here are step-by-step instructions:
- Look up, how the server is called in your BungeeCord-Config
- Look up, what IP the server has (for the most BungeeCord-Servers, it is
- Look up the Port of the server, it will most likely not be 25565!
- Go into your config and either edit the existing sign (called bukkit1) or create a new one by copy and paste. (Replace bukkit1 with the name of the server you looked up in the BungeeCord-Config)
- Enter the IP, the Port and a Displayname (the name, which is later displayed on the sign)
- Optionally, create a layout or simply use the default layout
- Save the config and restart the server
- Now log in on your server and place a sign
- Write [btsign] on the first line
- Write the server-name on the second line (NOT the display-name)
- If you want to use a custom layout, type the name of that layout on the third line
- Hit Done and your sign should be finished
How to setup a command
- Open the config
- Under teleportcmds, create a new line and enter a desired command (without /) followed by a colon
- After the colon, enter the target-server (look it up in the Bungeecord-Config)
- Compatible with Bukkit 1.7.x and 1.6.x(Older versions not tested)
- Bungeecord
- Vault