Credit to K3V1N32
This plugin was originally created by K3V1N32 and all credit for the original code for the plugin goes to him. His original thread for this plugin can be found here.
I decided to update this plugin since K3V1N32 has not updated it since Minecraft version 1.2.5 and he has not logged on to bukkit since Aug 16, 2012, this leads me to believe that he has abandoned the project so I will continue to update it in his place as this is a very handy and awesome plugin. Again, I take no credit for the creation of this plugin K3V1N32 created this. I merely update it.
This plugin lets you create buttons/levers/pressure plates that when activated will do a range of different things, from giving the player an item to executing a custom command when the button/lever/pressure plate is activated, and best of all, there are no commands needed!
You simply crouch and activate a button/lever/pressure plate and then follow the in-chat instructions.
This plugin REQUIRES Vault to be installed on your server for this plugin to work.
K3V1N32 recommends using some form of economy plugin, such as BOSEconomy and a permissions system such as Essentials Group Manager
I on the other hand recommend PermissionsEX as your permission system.
Usage Guides
Click here to see an installation guide.
Click here to see how to set up a button in game.
Click here to see a guide on how to set up permissions for this plugin.
K3V1N32 left this plugin in Beta, meaning there are a lot of bugs. I personally have only found one, you cannot do "/reload" otherwise it will cause the plugin to break. I will attempt to fix this problem but I don't know I will be able to do it.
As said above, this plugin REQUIRES Vault to be installed on your server for this plugin to work, having Vault installed allows this plugin to hook into any permissions and economy system and will work with them.
K3V1N32 left the plugin open source, which allowed me to update this and I would expect he would want it to remain open source. He left the source on GitHub... However, I cant work GitHub for the life of me, but, here is the source on GoogleDrive. If someone is willing to give me a step by step guide on how to get the source on GitHub, please send me a private message.