Idea of this plugin is simple: player chooses a role(also he can shop in lobby and in arena) and goes in arena to capture points by placing colored wool in them. This game can be played in capture mode, where team which captures defined amount of points wins and in score mode where each point generates score every 30 sec and team which reaches defined amount of score wins. Each point capture and kill gives money and for it player can buy by punching signs.
- with some configuration gameplay can drastically change
- create your own arenas for this game
- multiworld support
- real multiple arena support
- arena protection, configurable
- custom roles
- player lives, only die a limited amount of times
- support for Bukkit's player max health
- start game count down
- end game count down
- kill streak messages, with color support
- inventory saving on entering the game
- reward system
- eggs can be grenades, configurable explosion
- custom Healing Items system (with HOT and cooldowns)
- player command usage disable when playing
- some arena repair after battle (only for player built/destroyed blocks)
- shops by signs in the game
- enchanted items support in roles, rewards and in-game shops.
- custom item names and lore in roles and rewards
- lobby for roles, team selection and preparing for battle.
- spawns and lobby protection from damage.
- support for TagAPI
- custom events are thrown (join, start, end, point capture, and more)
- basic language support, not 100% complete though
This plugin was originaly created by dkramer. Original post.
Download link
You will need Vault plugin for permissions and to use in game money for rewards
When upgrading to a new version please read changes.
Configuration Pages
- Items
- Roles
- Old Config and Installation Page
- 1.3.7 video how to build and arena (Still kind of relevant)
- Really old video how to build an arena. (Don't use unless you are using a old unsupported version)
Command list
Source code
CaptureThePoints game(thanks ScottSpittle)
Bug Reports
Please report any bugs and errors here: Tickets
And don't forget to write which version of plugin (/ver CaptureThePoints) and bukkit (/ver) you are using!
Todo list
- None at the moment
Donation Link
If you appreciate this plugin, you are welcome to Donate.