- a ceiling/bottom Multiworld-Teleport Plugin
- connect worlds in a new way
Version: 0.9 for cb#1367+
Version 0.6.1 for cb#1000+
Teleport without a command, without a specified area to other worlds.
Just dig a hole to the bedrock or build a tower to the roof of the world.
- at least one World :D
- with more worlds a world-administration plugin like multivers is required
- Permissions v2.7 and 3 (or via superperms)
- WorldBorder v1.2.1+ (v1.2 or less is not supported!)
- Skylands environment
- Floating Islands and Cave-Worlds on Normal Environment (and more)
- Teleports a Player when he reaches the bottom or the ceiling of a world to another world (or the same) at ceiling or bottom on the same X- and Z- coordinates
- Distancemodifier: multiplier for the destination-coordinates (negative values are also possible to teleport to the opposite side of the map)
- Multiple links: set extra permissions for groups to get to different worlds or distances
- Falldamage-protection
- creates a bubble of glass if the player spawns in lava
- cbtp.teleport (to use all the default links)
- cbtp.admin (/reload and /cbtp add)
- cbtp.yourDepartWorld.yourDestinationWorld (this is only for optional routes, read the config-part)
- displays all connections
/cbtp reload
- reloads the config & connections
/cbtp add (dl) (c:)[world1] (c:)[world2] ([dm])
- ( ) - optional; [ ] - replace with something
- adds a connection
- dl - create a doubleLink - else: create a singleLink
- c: - depart und arrival on ceiling
- dm = distancemodifier (default = 1 )
/cbtp add world2 caveworld => bottom <->bottom connection
/cbtp add dl c:normalworld skylands 2.5
-> twoSidedConnections:
dest: normalworld
dm: 2.5
- create a link on a world with it self
- create eaqual links (bottom<-> bottom or ceiling <->ceiling)
download is up there => (source included in jar)
- remove the glass-block after player moved on
- teleport players with their vehicle
known Bugs:
- none
Version 0.9
- fixed the fix from 0.7
Version 0.7
- updated the Configuration system for new bukkit versions
- fixed adding dual connections via command (and made it wrong)