CellJailer gives you the possiblity to create a infinity number of cells in which you can jail players very easily by command!
You are also able to make an illegal word-list which jails the players automatically.
The plugin is configurable regarding a default jailing time and an illegal words-list.
The plugin has been created for a prison-server but can be used for a lot of different situations where you want to punish a player.
TODO / Feature requests
- Nothing on the list at the moment.
- PLEASE NOTE I would love if you would create a ticket with any feature requests you have got. I would like to expand this plugin as much as possible, so if you have a great idea - please share it with me!
<> = required [] = optional
- /jail help/? - gives command help in-game!
- /jail <player> [duration] - jails the player
- the duration are in minutes. if the duration aren't filled, the default duration from the config file will be used. Please note, that using a duration=0 the player are jailed for an eternity!
- /jail r <player> OR /jail release <player> - releases the player
- /jail add <cellname> - creates a cell at the location of the player using the command.
- /jail remove <cellname> - removes an existing cell.
- /jail cells - lists existing cells.
- /jail setchat on/off - enable/disable chat for prisoners
- /jail iw enable/disable - enable/disable illegalwords-jailing
- /jail iw add/remove <word> - adds and removes a word from the illegal list.
- /jail iw list - lists all the illegal words.
- Note If you are using some foreign letters (like scandinavian ones: æ, ø, å), I highly recommend adding the illegal words from commands in-game! Otherwise the config file might compromise the letters and wont detect if a player are using them.
- Dependency: This plugin requires Vault and possibly a permissions plugin. If you do not have a permissions plugin, only OPs will be able to use the above commands!
- Note that the ones who are allowed to jail other players has the: celljailer.jail permission.
- Note players who should be able to create and remove cells needs the: celljailer.admin permission. Furthermore, players with admin permission are able to ignore the illegal words.
- defaultDuration = default jail duration if you do not write a duration in the command.
- chat = true/false whether or not the jailees should be able to chat.
- illegalWordJailing = true/false whether or not banned words should cause jailing
- illegalWords = which word should cause jailing. Seperated with a comma.
- illegalWordDuration = how long time should the players be jailed for using a banned word?
How to use it
If you haven't figured it out yet I can only say - It's real simple! Start by creating one or more cells and type "/jail <player> 1" to jail a player for 1 minute. There is nothing more to it!
If you are having problems - please check out the video below:
Created by generalen18
Portuguese Tutorial - Created by AbsintoJ
Please donate to keep getting plugins from me and to support my work.
The author
This plugin has been created by ProWebster. Please PM me if you've got any questions. Thx in advance.