This plugin has been updated to version 3.0 (working with 1.7.9/1.7.10 and should work with Glowstone on 1.8, but not tested yet). However I would love to get some support of you guys. To support me you can give feedback in the comments or spend small amounts of money.
Also notice, that the current version is completely rewritten and that there could be some bugs that I did not recognize yet.
This Plugin simply replaces custom words with other custom words, like replacing shit with blah.
You can say what action will be done with the player: kick, ban, tempban or none. There are also penalty-points the players get for using a forbidden word. They also can get muted. A new feature is that you can censor commands like /msg and /r
Adding words | How to start | Commands | Permissions | Configuration
- replacing custom words
- banning/kicking players for using custom words
- adding/removing custom words via commands
- autobanning players for overusing forbidden words
- compact replacement (shit in shitty will be replaced)
- automuting for overusing forbidden words
- supports multiple custom commands
- also replaces words splitted by spaces, dots or commas
- mcbans support
- auto notification
- censoring commands like whispering (THIS is the first and only plugin that does this!!)
- censoring sign text
suggestions are welcome!
- new developer API
- more to come
Please report any bugs you encounter. Also, please point out spelling and grammar issues. I am not a native speaker.
Next Update (Upcoming features)
- new developer API
- more in development...