##Pull Requests Our current policy on pull requests is as follows:
- If it doesn't work, we won't accept it.
- You must provide unit tests for all new methods.
- You must use American English spelling conventions, contributions with spelling mistakes will not be accepted.
- Each new individual feature should be squashed into a single commit, so we can easily rollback code that causes errors
##Documentation See the javadocs at Champions JavaDocs Champions DoxyGen and the usage docs at the wiki: Champions Wiki
Note: The links above may change at any time, but forwards will hopefully be set up.
##Donations You can donate to the developers using their separate links: YoshiGenius [B2OJustin] (https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=MVNXP74AYPCYJ)