

ChatRestriction is a simple and lightweight plugin that can be used to restrict the usage of certain words on your server! You can stop people from cursing or even stop them from mentioning that dreadful rival server's name you hate so much! You have full power over what can be said on your server.

- /bannedwords: Displays all the words that are banned on your server
- /chatrestriction: Displays information about the plugin and will redirect users to the /bannedwords command

Once the plugin is loaded a config.yml will appear in a folder called "ChatRestriction" which should be placed under your "plugins" folder in your server files. This is where you can change the:

- Message displayed when a banned word is used. (bannedwordmessage)
- Message displayed when a player joins the server. (playerjoinmessage)
- Add words to the ban list.

Make sure when adding a new banned word that is it formatted correctly alongside other words. It should go under "restricted" with 2 spaces and a - before the word!

No permissions are needed for this plugin! The commands within this plugin should be accessible by all ranks.

- ChatRestriction is the first plugin I've developed EVER! So it will be somewhat lackluster and may contain unhandled cases and bugs but if you guys point them out for me I'd be glad to go in and fix it. I've used this plugin mostly as a learning tool and I plan on implementing more chat related features to the plugin soon.
- You can use formatting codes / chat color codes in the server message within the config.yml file. Color codes can be found here Minecraft Formatting Codes
- If you would like to see certain features added please request them! I'd be glad to learn and would be glad to implement them if I can!

Change Log:
07/12/2015 - Plugin submitted!