Chest Randomizer

Chest Randomizer



This is a plugin that allows you to randomize the contents of a chest. This can be useful for minigames such as: Skywars, HungerGames, and games that require any random chests.


  • Configurable item list
  • Configurable Messages
  • Configurable Percentages
  • Allows for systematic resetting of chests through console and command blocks
  • Auto-Updater

Quick Start

Give yourself the permission node: 'cr.*'
Then type /cr randomize as a player to place a chest at feet level containing random items in it.


Permission Node Default Value Description
cr.* op Allows access to all the commands
cr.access op Allows the use of /cr
cr.randomize.* op Allows the use of all /cr randomize groups
cr.reload op Allows the use of /cr reload


Command Permission Description Arguments
/chestrandomizer cr.access Allows you to see all command admin, randomize, reload, metrics, updater
/chestrandomizer admin cr.admin Admin commands add, create, remove
/chestrandomizer admin add cr.admin Adds the item in your main had to the specified group /cr admin add <percent> [group]
/chestrandomizer admin create cr.admin Creates a group with the specified name /cr admin create <name>
/chestrandomizer admin remove cr.admin Removes the specified group /cr admin remove [group]
/chestrandomizer randomize cr.randomize Places a chest at feet level with randomized contents /cr r <group> <x> <y> <z> [facing] [world]
/chestrandomizer reload cr.reload Reloads chestrandomizer’s config files N/A
/chestrandomizer updater cr.updater Allows force-updating and opting in/out of updating opt-out, opt-in, update-now
/chestrandomizer metrics cr.metrics Allows opting in/out of metrics logging opt-out, opt-in


  • Leave suggestions in the comments or pm me


The configuration is self-explanatory.

The auto updater will only connect to The auto updater can be disabled in the configuration file.

This plugin sends statistics about the usage to the server This can be disabled in the config

This plugin uses only code I have made with a few exceptions. Gravity's Auto Updater and Hiendra's Plugin Metrics have been included.