ChestMaster 2.0
Version 2.0 is out!
The new version 2.0 is now live, we have implemented many things you asked for, such as:
- Added UUID Support (must be enabled in the config file!)
- Added SQLite and MySQL for data storage, no more messy config files!
- Fixed Books bug, now books should be saved without problems or losing text!
- Fixed Item names, now items wont lose custom names!
- Fixed Skull's bug, Skulls will save from who they are now!
- Full translation is now possible via config.yml
- Added data migrator that will migrate your data from config.yml to SQLite Database when the plugin updates, for security reasons it will keep your old file as config_old.yml
ChestMaster was rewritten from scrath for this update, please report any bugs you find
What does this plugin do?
This plugin allows your players to have (multiple) virtual chests!
/chest <number> - Opens the chest with the number <number> (If no number is used it will default to chest number 1)
/admchest <player> <chest_number> - Opens the chest from a player - Since v1.5
/chestreload - Reload the config file - Since v2.7
/chesterror - Shows your server error log, if you have AdvancedMetrics enabled - Since v3.4
To open at least one chest:
To use /admchest: chestmaster.admchest
To reload the config: chestmaster.reload
Permission to open multiple chests: chestmaster.multiple.amount
amount should be replaced with the amount of chest the player should be allowed to open (Ex: If you give them the permission chestmaster.multiple.5 they will be able to use from /chest 1 to /chest 5)
This plugin sends statistics about the usage to the server You can disable it in the config file You can also disable the updater on the config
This plugin sends advanced metrics about the usage to the server at You can disable it in the config file (Data sent with advanced metrics: IP, Port, Free Memory, Max Memory, Players, Max Players, Server Version String, Server OS and error reports)
Source under GNU AGPLv3 license: