A simple plugin to move chests around without breaking them.
You can save as many inventories as you want.
You can stop the server or quit without losing the inventories.
How to use
1) Use the /ctransporter new <name> command to add a Chest Transporter to your inventory with a given name.
2) Right click on a chest with the Chest Transporter to save its inventory.
3) Right click on a block with the Chest Transporter to spawn a chest with the saved inventory.
/ctransporter new <name>: Add a Chest Transporter to your inventory with the given name.
/ctransporter get <name>: Get an existing Chest Transporter with the given name.
/ctransporter list: Print a list of all your saved Chest Transporters.
/ctransporter help: Display the help page.
ctransporter.cmd.new - To perform the command /ctransporter new
ctransporter.cmd.get - To perform the command /ctransporter get
ctransporter.cmd.list - To perform the command /ctransporter list
ctransporter.cmd.help - For the command /ctransporter help
ctransporter.chest.pickup - To be able to save chests
ctransporter.chest.place - To be able to places saved chests