




ChopTree is a simnple plugin, that let Trees act like cacti.

This plugin is originally coded by askmeaboutlo0m. I only updated it for the newest Craftbukkit build and removed some errors.

Tested with CB 1.0.1-R1

Supports: Permissions v. 2.7.4 (Phoenix) and mcMMO v. 1.2.07

Please give me feedback and make suggestions what features you would like.


  • Lets trees act like cacti - remove a block and all blocks above are yieled too.
  • Or you can make that log blocks move down one by one instead - no more climbing trees.
  • Works with all three tree types (they all yeild their own wood).
  • Also works with "big" trees that have multiple branches - makes felling them a lot easier.
  • Restrict using this plugin to certain tools only.
  • Supports mcMMO and Permissions.
  • Only works on trees, houses made of logs are safe!
  • Chunk protection to make your tree houses safe.

known issues:

  • Mcmmo-support is NOT working yet - working on it



# -ChopTree Properties-
# You can add or change the command and toggle command aliases here.
# Because of technical limitations the console commands will always be "ChopTree" and "ct", but the in-game comments will be taken from here.
Command = ChopTree, ct
Toggle = ToggleChop, tc
# Here you can change the options (can also be done in-game).
ActiveByDefault = true
UseAnything = true
MoreDamageToTools = false
InterruptIfToolBreaks = false
SupportMcmmoIfAvailable = false
TreeFellerNeeded = false
LogsMoveDown = false
OnlyTrees = true
EnableOverride = false
# -Material List-
# If the "UseAnything" option is false, the plugin will take the items you can use to chop trees with from here.
# You can either put in the material's name or its ID.
mat = WOOD_AXE
mat = IRON_AXE
mat = GOLD_AXE
mat = DIAMOND_AXE english?/I.39.m from Germany/mca.png