An add-on for Chunky which lets you create and manage world borders
- Select a region for your world borders
- Supports all world shapes generated by Chunky
- Prevents players from moving too far past your world border
- Redirects teleports that go outside of the world border
- Optional client-side world border renderer
- Optional server-side particle visualizer
- Optional border wrapping for teleporting across the border
- Customizable world border message
- Customizable world border effect and sound
- Customizable map markers for Dynmap, BlueMap, and squaremap
chunky ... Use Chunky's commands to create your world border selection
chunky border add Creates a world border from your current selection
chunky border remove Removes the world border in the currently selected world
chunky border wrap Toggles border wrapping in the currently selected world
chunky border list Displays all saved borders
chunky border load Load the world border in the currently selected world as your selection
chunky border bypass Temporarily bypass the world border
Create a square world border with a 1000 block radius in the overworld
Create a circular world border centered at 100,-100 with a 5000 block radius in the nether
Load an existing world border and re-add it with a 10000 block radius
Remove the world border in the end
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Player trying to pass border