What is CityPlugin ?
Its a plugin for your own minecraft city which will provide you:
- multiple teleportations to different locations in your world.
- admin commands
(Ex: /heal,/home,/vanish,/fly,/freeze,/head,/invsee, Etc..)
- fun mechanics like Grappling Hooks, smoke bombs & throwable bombs (just to name a few).
/heal - heals the player
/freeze [playername] - freezes the player
/head [playername] - gives a custom head
/god - god mode
/i [admin command] - secret command
/home - teleports you to your set home
/sethome - sets your home
/push [playername] - pushes the player in the air
/fly - toggles fly
/invsee [playername] - peek into someone else's inventory
/roleplay [start/end]
/smite [playername] - strike lightning on the player
/speed [0-10] - gives you speed
/sit - make you sit
Currently expanding the config as much as possible so the plugin is modifiable.
Can make custom builds if needed ASAP!