Method to identify type of plot with another plugin
keenerb opened this issue ยท 15 comments
I'd like some way to be able to identify, with another plugin, which type of plot a player is currently standing in.
Any suggestions? I know with a normal cityworld you can use biome to check, but obviously that doesn't work in one of your desert/snow worlds.
What I ended up doing in an old fork of your plugin was hide specific types of wool in the bedrock layer; each chunk's 1,0,1 block was a specific color of wool capped with another bedrock block, and I just checked the damage value for the 1,0,1 block every time I needed to know what "type" of cityworld chunk I was in.
If you can think of something better or more elegant than this I'd really like to know. I have a chat-based minimap that uses colored characters to indicate nearby plot types, it's quite good and I tie in other indicators as well like the chunk's radioactivity and mob count and etc.
I finally found a way to do this, for my very particular circumstances anyway, using the Skript plugin.
I set the underlying bedrock layer to 2 blocks rather than 1, and essentially turned the bottom layer into a bitmapped data set.
I added a bit of code to the very end of each plot's GenerateActualBlocks method that sets block 1, 1, 1 in a chunk to a colored block where the data value stores which plat type (Astral/Floating/Nature/Urban/etc.) the chunk belongs to:
chunk.setBlockTypeAndColor(1, 1, 1, Material.STAINED_CLAY, DyeColor.GRAY);
Using wool/clay/glass gives me 48 possible values for each block in the bottom layer, which means I can technically store 768 bits of data this way.
Block 1, 1, 2 is set to a colored block where data value 1 = farm plot, 2 = barn plot, 3 = road plot, etc. etc.
Block 1, 1, 3 is a colored block that contains the generator type that was in use when the chunk was created.
And so on and so forth. With Skript I have a small routine that I can use to identify particular information about a chunk and use that in my script logic for a number of purposes, like equipping zombies with hoes/axes/leather helmets (hard hats) if they spawn in farmland/forests/unfinished building lots.
Alas that code was written by another contributor and I can't speak to its robustness/stability. Sorry.
As for making it more resilient, I would rather trash it and create from fresh. :-)
Is your current code somewhat stable? I could probably lend some time once the previous issue is fixed with git's line ending problem.
I am curious what would you like the API to look like? Should it simply return the plot class name as a string for a particular player name? Or something nuttier like return the plat type reference/pointer? I have to admit without knowing a little more info it is hard to contemplate what the code should look like.
For my purposes, I'd like to be able to tell what type of plat/chunk I'm in; wilderness, road, city, and maybe the buiding type (highrise, unfinished, farm, mountain cabin/radio tower lot, bunker present, etc.). I am hoping to have a nice integration with a new server I've been tinkering with.
For example, I have loot chests that appear and I'd like to have the items in the chests tailored to the plat type; wilderness chests would have raw materials, farm chests would have food stores, highrise/houses would have finished materials, bunkers would have weapons/armor/etc.
Spiders and creepers would be more numerous in wilderness, zombies in city, maybe even have an occasional villager spawn in cabins and whatnot.
I would like the PlatLot object accessible if possible. It is one of the things I wanted to contribute to the api. (Including fixing it up a bit)
Ideally this would be in a 1.7.10 compatible build, for what it's worth. If that's even possible now.
Sorry, I have been off line due to an injury. I hope to get back to this next weekend.