

v0.5 Roundabouts

v0.5 Roundabouts

Roundabouts for v0.5

v2.97 Bunkers

v2.97 Bunkers

Latest bunkers

v0.5 Got a case of cranes

v0.5 Got a case of cranes

Now unfinished buildings may have a crane on them

v0.5 Buildings

v0.5 Buildings

New buildings and parks coming in v0.5

v2.97 Skyland

v2.97 Skyland

Latest skyland

CityWorld v0.2

CityWorld v0.2

v0.2: Now with a bit of color, basement and stairs... still no doors though. Still much to do!

Mines gone bad :-)

Mines gone bad :-)

I forgot what went wrong but wrong it went

CityWorld Infinite

CityWorld Infinite

Floating CityWorld

Final Xray shot

Final Xray shot

So that is what holds it up!

v0.5 BeautyShot

v0.5 BeautyShot

Smile Max!

Museums with Fossils

Museums with Fossils

These are the small ones, go digging to find the bigger ones

End of the world

End of the world

Yep, there it is

New main view

New main view

The new beauty shot

v0.7 test run #4 Roads & Bridges

v0.7 test run #4 Roads & Bridges

I am getting a little happier with the road/bridge logic. Mind you every now and then bridges cross each other.. and that is just wrong. I know how to fix it but it seems way to heavy handed.

Replace the blocks...

Replace the blocks...

and it looks almost like the old days

v2.97 Farms

v2.97 Farms

Latest Farms

Interior peek #2

Interior peek #2

Boxes of books

v2.97 Decay

v2.97 Decay

Latest Decay

What is this?

What is this?

Anyone know what this is?

v0.7 test run #1 Skyhigh

v0.7 test run #1 Skyhigh

v0.7 plat distribution SkyHigh test run (via WellWorld)

Normal World

Normal World

The normal world

v0.3 plumbing exposed

v0.3 plumbing exposed

Plumbing maze (just below the street and just above the sewer layer)

More buildings from v0.5 from above

More buildings from v0.5 from above

Some odd shaped buildings start to appear

v0.5 Roofs

v0.5 Roofs

Finally getting around to making fancier roofs

Flooded city

Flooded city

Global warming's rising sea levels has caused a bit of a problem for the world.

Sand dunes cover the city

Sand dunes cover the city

Imagine Phoenix Arizona after a REALLY bad sandstorm. :-(

Interior peek #1

Interior peek #1

Empty warehouse

v0.3 sewers and vaults exposed

v0.3 sewers and vaults exposed

Sewers and vaults exposed and shown from above

Water towers

Water towers

Yep there is even water in them

Blizzard covers the city

Blizzard covers the city

Global cooling's giant snow storms has caused a bit of a problem for the world.

WorldEdit Fab script

WorldEdit Fab script

Picture from the older WorldEdit Fab script

v0.5 Finished unfinished buildings

v0.5 Finished unfinished buildings

Added some partially built buildings for fun

Paved roads

Paved roads

Nice warm wool roads



Rings within rings

v2.97 SnowDunes

v2.97 SnowDunes

Latest SnowDunes

Another Xray shot

Another Xray shot

It looks so simple when you look at it this way!

The nether world

The nether world

Now with Nether

v0.7 test run #3 giant sheep

v0.7 test run #3 giant sheep

While figuring out a better way to do roads... giant sheep attacked the city!

v0.7 test run #6b almost ready to release Conurbation

v0.7 test run #6b almost ready to release Conurbation

Parks, Farms, Forests, Neighborhoods all work (well the house don't have doors yet)

Other main view

Other main view

Another beauty shot

v0.3 in the sewers

v0.3 in the sewers

Bring your own torches, it is dark in there!

Sterile CityWorld

Sterile CityWorld

Still much to do, like "color" back in for one...

v0.7 test run #5 Getting real

v0.7 test run #5 Getting real

Moved the generator over to Conurbation (the testbed version of the new CityWorld... feel free to look it up, it's a real word).

v0.5 Foundation

v0.5 Foundation

Deep in the bowels of the city

v2.0 Schematics Pasting

v2.0 Schematics Pasting

First public image from WorldEdit/MCEdit schematic pasting

v0.7 test run #2 facades

v0.7 test run #2 facades

Wellworld test run of v0.7 plat distribution attempt

Maze Camp

Maze Camp

Waking up from base camp and found a dark ominous wall around us... I wonder what is down that path?

Xray specs

Xray specs

This is what a mountain with no insides looks like

More buildings from v0.5

More buildings from v0.5

Got rounding to work, now to get stairs working with rounding :-)

Maze Camp from treetop

Maze Camp from treetop

So we climbed the tree and found the world covered in a maze as far as we could see. Getting to the city in the distance could be difficult.

Pasted art

Pasted art

One of the first test shots of WorldEdit schematics being pasted in real time into CityWorld

Astral (beta)

Astral (beta)

An image from Astral

v0.3 buildings and roads

v0.3 buildings and roads

Buildings and roads from above

v0.7 test run #6 almost ready to relase Conurbation

v0.7 test run #6 almost ready to relase Conurbation

Parks, Farms, Forests, Neighborhoods all work (well the house don't have doors yet)

Rainy day

Rainy day

Actually this is pretty much what the real world looks like right now

v0.5 Really TALL Buildings

v0.5 Really TALL Buildings

Buildings will now (from time to time) reach up to the clouds. We really need elevators :-)

Ore populators gone bad!

Ore populators gone bad!


v0.5 Cisterns

v0.5 Cisterns

These are under most parks

I can almost see it

I can almost see it

Wow the cities look so small from up here

v2.97 SandDunes

v2.97 SandDunes

Latest SandDunes