spaceribs opened this issue ยท 16 comments
I'm working on a new decay system (one that's not as much caused by explosion, rather just nature taking over). After that's done on my fork, I may be able to help with furniture/interior walls.
Thanks for the interiors update! looks great.
A minor issue that I think you should consider is that your furniture definitions should be schematics that are loaded from a folder like you load buildings. Then you can have options like "spawnInCorner" for chests and "spawnInMiddle" for spawners/tables and reuse furniture in more than one room.
I plan to support pasting schematics as well... but in many ways that is the easy part :-)
by the way, if you want to talk to our architecture/dev team, you should contact me on skype: [skype name hidden]
Howdy again. I finally let 2.90 escape. I think I am going to take a break from interiors for a bit and create some alternative world style. Maybe sand dunes or blizzard. :-)
Very cool! I think I'm going to work on road schematics, not an easy task but would be excellent to have. I'd also like any randomly placed schematics to face a road and add options to cut away the sidewalk based on a schematic.yml start/finish. flush driveways are a must.
I am (slowly) working on interiors again. My day job is currently pretty much using up my brain and time. I have recently checked in a better set of interior stairs and simple walls (they are currently very short to make them easier to work with). I plan to finish up the walls next weekend and then touch up the building logic. I am currently targeting a new release for Minecraft 1.4.8 (the one with marble), which should be before the end of the month... or at least that is my best guess. I still would like to work on the flooded world variants but I am not going to hold things up just for that.
Help is always welcome and I am more than happy to accept anything you want to donate to the cause... :-)
Cool, I can throw some money your way too for helping us out, we've got a good server going at and I've gotten some donations for development help like this. I have another collaborator working on my fork that has the priority of replacing the mountains with vanilla generation, mainly so that our generator isn't missing out on any resources, and also to set up vanilla ores
How were you planning on setting up furniture after wall generation? Would we have the same type of contexts like we currently have lots? It would be really cool if you could specify the type of furniture in a room type like "Living Room", "Kitchen", "Office" or "Closet".
Edit: totally noticed that's what you are doing, my bad.
Nice server by the way... I arrive in the daylight and then things went bad :-)
It is cool to hear someone is trying to incorporate vanilla terrain generation. My only request is that the terrain is scaled up to the 200+ height. Big tall mountains are cool! Also make sure they are snow capped. :-)
Please don't mind when I disappear from time to time... My day job is currently eating into my free time on a massive scale.
As for donation... Help is more useful than money but if you really want to... the donate button is in the upper right corner of:
Yeah, it's not an easy world to play in :D. We discussed it and we're going to keep the mountains (they are pretty awesome) but we're going to have to do some work on the underground and maybe add some variation to the base forests. As you can see, our previous city generator was ok, it just had no planning involved whatsoever, so this is going to be a huge step up in terms of generating a true feeling of being alone in a once well populated city.