Clean Chat is so far the best chat management plugin out there.
Why? Because unlike other plugins Clean Chat enables you to properly and effectively prevent abusive language on your server. Clean Chat enables you to mute players and also create a global mute to talk unimpeded. Added to that by using a new programming technique, Clean Chat can detect if a player is swearing even if they are trying to circumvent the filter!
As of version 1.4 of Clean Chat you can now colour your messages! By using special colour tags that clean chat has specially created you can now colour your own messages. Try out these tags by using the /ColourTags <page number> command.
Version 3.0 expected to be released mid to late January(very much still WIP) 2021. After a long hiatus I have spent the past couple of months heavily improving cleanchat and working on a method of evaluating which players are at risk of swearing, spamming or just generally being toxic. In the coming update I plan to improve cleanchat with a cross server database of players. Players will be assigned on joining a new server a risk level from 1-3 with a player with level 3 risk (deemed by their number of mutes, spams and bans across the cleanchat ecosystem). Receiving the most stringent type of chat filtering which will involve a higher percentage of false positives when they chat than players on the level 1 risk level.
For example:
A player tries to use the banned word "bleeep" by saying "b$%^£l___eee%&^%p" . Unlike other plugins clean chat will detect this banned word despite all the characters trying to hide it and replace the players entire message with something you set.
- Mute and unmute players
- See a players mute and spam history
- Broadcast repeating messages
- Ignore server broadcasts
- Clear your own personal chat
- If your an operator you can clear server chat
- Incredibly effective chat filter that blocks most ways players circumvent normal filters
- In depth help pages available to all operators in game
- A spam filter that you can turn on or off
- Global mutes which prevent everyone that does not have permission from speaking
- The ability to set what a player sees when they log in and what the server sees when a player logs in
- You can now send coloured messages to chat and create coloured mute reasons, spam warnings, broadcasts, player join messages and server join messages.
Commands(caps do not matter):
As of version 1.4 colour tags can be used for anything involving a message:
You can either use /CC OR /CleanChat
- /CC <page number> OR /CleanChat <page number> : Shows the specified Clean Chat help page which gives in depth assistance on all clean chat commands.
- /Mute <playername> <reason> <hour(s)> <minute(s)> <second(s)> : Mutes the specified player for a particular duration, if they are online. If you do not give a reason a default reason can be set which will be given instead.
- /UnMute <playername> : Unmutes the specified player if they are online.
- /GlobalMute : Mutes all of chat except yourself and as of version 1.2 anyone who has permission to speak, so that you can talk uninterrupted.
- /SetMuteReason <reason> OR /smr <reason>: Sets the default mute reason.
- /CC ReplaceWith <phrase or words>: Set what a players abusive message is replaced with.
- /CC AddWord <word>: Add a word to the banned list of words.
- /CC RemoveWord <word>: Remove a word from the banned list of words.
- /CC PrintConsole <true/false>: Enable or disable clean chat notifying the server console when a player uses a banned word.
- /BannedWords : Displays all the currently banned words, by default this plugin comes with a few, check them out once you download it and remove any you don't need/want.
- /History <player name> : This command shows the mute history of the specified player.
- /ClearHistory <player name> : This command clears the mute history of the specified player.
- /Broadcast <message>: This command broadcasts a message to the entire server. To colour it insert colour tags.
- /AddBroadcast <hours> <minutes> <seconds> <message>: Create a repeating broadcast that will repeat after the specified time.
- /RemoveBroadcast <message>: Removes the broadcast with the specified message. This message must be identical to the broadcasted one. If your unsure on what the broadcasted message is, simply type /broadcastList which will give you all the scheduled broadcasts.
- /BroadcastList : Displays all the broadcasts currently scheduled on your server.
- /cc SpamCheck : Toggle whether or not the spam checker is on.
- /cc SpamWarning <message> : Set the message players see when they spam chat
- /ToggleBroadcasts :Toggle whether or not you want to see server broadcasts. By default anyone can use this.
- /ColourTags <page number> : Displays all colour tags that can be used to customize your messages.
- /ClearServerChat : Clears every online player's chat.
- /ClearChat : Clears the users chat. By default anyone can use this.
- /cc SetPlayerJoinMessage <message> : Sets the message a player sees when they log in. The special #name tag can be used to get the players name and put it in your message.
- /cc SetServerJoinMessage <message> : Sets the message all online players see when a player joins the server. The special #name tag can also be used here.
Permissions (as of version 1.4):
By default every operator has all of these permissions
- CleanChat.* :Gives the specified player(s) permission to use all Clean Chat commands.
- CleanChat.ManageFilter : Allows access to all of the Clean Chat filter management commands. (All of the commands which begin with /cc).
- CleanChat.Mute : Allows access to the /Mute command.
- CleanChat.UnMute : Allows access to the /UnMute command.
- CleanChat.GlobalMute : Allows access to the /GlobalMute command.
- CleanChat.SetDefaultMuteReason : Allows access to the /SetMuteReason command.
- CleanChat.BannedWords : Allows access to the /BannedWords command. By default everyone has this permission.
- CleanChat.GlobalMuteSpeak : This permission allows the specified players to speak during a global mute.
- CleanChat.History : This permission allows the use of the /history command.
- CleanChat.ClearHistory : This permission allows the use of the /clearhistory command.
- CleanChat.Broadcast : This permission allows the use of the /broadcast command.
- CleanChat.ClearChat : Allows the use of the /ClearChat command. By default everyone has this.
- CleanChat.ClearServerChat : Allows the use of the /ClearServerChat command.
- CleanChat.ColouredMessages : Allows the use of the special tags that customize your messages and the /ColourTags command.
- CleanChat.ToggleBroadcasts : Allows the use of the /ToggleBroadcasts command. By default anyone can use this.
Colour Tags
The /ColourTags command can be used in game to see this list
Insert these in front of your messages to customize them in the anyway you choose. They can be combined together but the colour must always come first.
- #o - bold
- #u - underline
- #i - italic
- #m- magic (loads of squiggly characters, try it out in game)
- #p - light purple
- #dp- dark purple
- #dr- dark red
- #r - red
- #ck - black
- #d1 - dark grey
- #1 - grey
- #b - blue
- #w - white (white if you can't see it)
- #da - dark aqua
- #a - aqua (aqua if you can't see it)
- #g - green
- #ld - gold
- #dg - dark green
- #db - dark blue
- #y - yellow (yellow if you can't see it)
- #s -
strikethrough - #es - reset (basically resets the colour back to white)
- #name - A special tag that can be used in the /cc setPlayerJoinMessage and /cc setServerJoinMessage commands to put into your message the name of the player who just joined. For example: A player join message that said "Welcome to the server #name" would actually display when the player logged in "Welcome to the server (whatever the player's name is)".
If you have any recommendations or requests please feel free to comment below.