Close Down


Close Down

Close down basically closes your server off from other players for as long as you want. When it is closed down you can test mods, de-greif, ect.

Current Latest Version: v1.1

/CloseDown <on/off> - closes the sever down and kicks all players but wont allow other players who dont have permission or who are not an OP to log on till you take the server off lock down.
/CloseDown Check - See if the server is on closedown
/CloseDown Help - see all the commands in CloseDown

- Kicks players when you close down the server
- Kicks players that try to log on durring server close down
- Tells players that the server is on server close down
- Editable Config file
- Stays on lockdown even after server reload or restart
- You can turn on the server closedown in the config (will instantly not allow people to log in on config save)
- You can turn off the server closedown in the config (will instantly allow people to log in on config save)

- closedown.* (allows everything)
- closedown.login (allows player to login during server Close Down)
- closedown.commands (allows all commands in Close Down)

Current Latest Version: v1.1