

ChatManager by René Uchiha

Line General Line Commands Line Features Line Variables Line


What is it?
The ChatManager is a completely clever system, which includes all functions from the PEX-ChatManager, and add many more Features. For example, you can

- Prefix or Suffix other Players,
- Use Variables and Color Codes in every configuration-chapter,
- let players hear an Sound , if their name is written,
- Change the Format for every Group from your Group- or Permission Plugin or
- use a global Chatformat, if you dont have a Group- or Permission Plugin

What you need
This plugin basically needs no other plugins. If you want to hook this Plugin with an Economy/Permission Plugin, you need to install Vault and your favorite Economy/Permission Plugin.
To Install this Plugin, you just need to put it in the 'plugins' folder and (re)start your server. all Configurations will be created now.