Combo Command


logo If you wanted to combine commands? With this plugin you will be able to do it! Combine commands for your console and players together! The plugin allows you to save the time you spend driving frequently used commands, for example: Commands toggledownfall, time set to 0 and the wand can be connected in a single command!

Commands and Permissions
/ccom help - help of all commands
/ccom run {combo name} - run comamnds (permission: name, exsample:
/ccom add {combo name} =p/=c command - add a command to combo or create combo with first command in this combo (permission: ccom.admin or ccom.add) 
P.s =c - send by console, =p - send by player
P.s.s write to %p which should be the nickname of the player, use & to color code (example: /ccom add test =c tell %p &a&lYou are good player =) )
/ccom remove {combo name} "number" or "all" - remove command in number "number" or remove combo if you send "all" (permission: ccom.admin or ccom.remove)
/ccom reload - reloading all configs (permission: ccom.admin or ccom.reload)

In config.yml you can select language (en- English, eu - Russian) and see all combo In lang.yml you can edit a messages in plugin with plugin prefix

Examples Of Usage

Give player his win in parkour event:

you send without Combo Command
say Player end a parkour!
tell Player you win!
give Player 256 1
give Player 41 2
give Player 42 2
spawn Player
in Combo you write (endparkour)
=csay &4&l %p &6&l end a parkour
=ctell %p &a&l You win!
=cgive %p 256 1
=cgive %p 41 2
=cgive %p 42 2
In game player write

/ccom run endparkour

To do
  1. Console run command
  2. List of combo
  3. More tegs (time, players online, max slots, maybe animations)

Comming soon...