Command Hooks
Command Hooks v1.0.0
Command Hooks is an essential plugin for you to make your unusual server. This presents blocks calling commands, NPCs including the commands, Stories you want, and etc...
Command | Description |
/cmdhks | CommandHooks' basic command. |
/cmdhks reload | Reload the plugin. |
/cmdhks save | Save the plugin. |
/cmdhks set add <command> | Add the command to the item in your hand. |
/cmdhks set remove | Remove the command in the item in your hand. |
/cmdhks multi <command1> , <command2> , <command3>... | Dispatch the some command. |
/cmdhks flag <player> <id> <true/false> | Change the flag status. |
/cmdhks if <player> <flagId/permission> <command1> (: <command2>) | If the flag is true, dispatch the command. |
/cmdhks text <player> <text> ~ [END] | Send the text to the player. |
/cmdhks condition add <id> <name> <above/below> <score> <command> | Add the condition. |
/cmdhks condition remove <id> | Remove the condition. |
/cmdhks condition list | View the conditions list. |
/cmdhks timer add <id> <cycle> <command> | Add the command which dispachs at regular intervals. |
/cmdhks timer remove <id> | Remove the command which dispachs at regular intervals. |
/cmdhks timer list | View the commands which dispachs at regular intervals. |
/cmdhks let <player> <command> | Let the player dispatch the command. |
/cmdhks help | View commands list. |
What is the set command?
First, use /cmdhks set add <command> with having the item in your hand. And <command> will be set the item. Second, click a block and an entity with having the item. Finally, click them more and they dispatch <command>.
まず、手にアイテムを持った状態で/cmdhks set add <command>を実行してください。
What is the flag command?
You can change the flag status to use /cmdhks flag <player> <id> <true/false>. Next, use /cmdhks if <player> <flagId/permission> <command1> (: <command2>). If the flag is true or player has the permission, dispatch <command1>. If not, dispatch <command2>. <command2> is omittable.
/cmdhks flag <player> <id> <true/false>を実行すると、フラグの状態を変更することができます。
次に、/cmdhks if <player> <flagId/permission> <command1> (: <command2>)を実行してください。
What is the condition command?
Coming Soon...
Language file set up
Coming Soon...