Command Regions

Command Regions

Command Regions has been moved here. (downloading this resource will download the first release of Command Regions - REBORN - Execute action(s) when entering/exiting regions! | 1.8.x - 1.14.2.
Command Regions REBORN is out, what's the difference between this and the old plugin?
TOTAL recode of the plugin.
Command Regions allows you to easily execute commands/send messages when entering/leaving a region using a built-in region creator.
This plugin is built specially for the version > 1.13. (BUT WORKS IN 1.12.2 too)
So, why did I develop this plugin? Well, as a past server owner, a similar plugin that uses world guard regions to execute commands was way outdated and wouldn't work on > 1.13 versions. As you know that 1.13 is a huge chance for Minecraft, I had to take this into my own hands and develop my own.
You can do lots with this plugin; you just need a little creativity. An example is like the video below - teleport to a world, spawn is made as the region from this plugin and executes "/rtp". This is great for allowing players to get out of spawn easily. Another idea might be, PLAYER A walks into the region, gives donor item(if donator) or gives a kit. When PLAYER A leaves, take said item or kit.
  • Built in region creator - easy to use and no dependencies needed for region creation.
  • Able to execute both player and /or console commands when entering/leaving a region.
  • Super easy and very configurable plugin.
  • Execute commands on region enter/leave.
  • Option to send a message to entering/leaving players.
  • Easily modify regions via regiondata.yml when away from computer.
NOTE: If your regions are resetting after a server restart, please put the region name as your main(spawning) world name. It should fix everything. 
  # Make sure world-name is set correctly as your server's world name.
  world-name: 'world'
  wand-material: 'COOKIE'
  prefix: '&7[Command-&6Regions&7]'
  nopermissions: '&6Whoopies! &7You do not have the correct permissions to use this command!'
  # Execute this command on region enter. Leave blank for no commands for either player or console.
  playercommandonenter: 'kick'
  consolecommandonenter: 'say Entering region 1!'
  # Whether there should be a message sent on region enter.
  messageonenter: true
  # If messageonenter is true, this message will be sent.
  entermessage: '&7You are now entering &6Region 1&7!'
  # Whether there should be a message sent on region leave.
  messageonleave: true
  # If messageonleave is true, this message will be sent.
  leavemessage: '&7You are now leaving &6Region 1&7!'
  # Leave blank if you don't want a playercommand or consolecommand.
  playercommandonleave: 'ban'
  consolecommandonleave: 'say Leaving region 1'
  # Execute this command on region enter. Leave blank for no commands for either player or console.
  playercommandonenter: 'kick'
  consolecommandonenter: 'say Entering region 2!'
  # Whether there should be a message sent on region enter.
  messageonenter: true
  # If messageonenter is true, this message will be sent.
  entermessage: '&7You are now entering &6Region 2&7!'
  # Whether there should be a message sent on region leave.
  messageonleave: true
  # If messageonleave is true, this message will be sent.
  leavemessage: '&7You are now leaving &6Region 2&7!'
  # Leave blank if you don't want a playercommand or consolecommand.
  playercommandonleave: 'ban'
  consolecommandonleave: 'say Leaving region 2'
  # Execute this command on region enter. Leave blank for no commands for either player or console.
  playercommandonenter: 'kick'
  consolecommandonenter: 'say Entering region 3!'
  # Whether there should be a message sent on region enter.
  messageonenter: true
  # If messageonenter is true, this message will be sent.
  entermessage: '&7You are now entering &6Region 3&7!'
  # Whether there should be a message sent on region leave.
  messageonleave: true
  # If messageonleave is true, this message will be sent.
  leavemessage: '&7You are now leaving &6Region 3&7!'
  # Leave blank if you don't want a playercommand or consolecommand.
  playercommandonleave: 'ban'
  consolecommandonleave: 'say Leaving region 3'
  # Execute this command on region enter. Leave blank for no commands for either player or console.
  playercommandonenter: 'kick'
  consolecommandonenter: 'say Entering region 4!'
  # Whether there should be a message sent on region enter.
  messageonenter: true
  # If messageonenter is true, this message will be sent.
  entermessage: '&7You are now entering &6Region 4&7!'
  # Whether there should be a message sent on region leave.
  messageonleave: true
  # If messageonleave is true, this message will be sent.
  leavemessage: '&7You are now leaving &6Region 4&7!'
  # Leave blank if you don't want a playercommand or consolecommand.
  playercommandonleave: 'ban'
  consolecommandonleave: 'say Leaving region 4'
  # Execute this command on region enter. Leave blank for no commands for either player or console.
  playercommandonenter: 'kick'
  consolecommandonenter: 'say Entering region 5!'
  # Whether there should be a message sent on region enter.
  messageonenter: true
  # If messageonenter is true, this message will be sent.
  entermessage: '&7You are now entering &6Region 5&7!'
  # Whether there should be a message sent on region leave.
  messageonleave: true
  # If messageonleave is true, this message will be sent.
  leavemessage: '&7You are now leaving &6Region 5&7!'
  # Leave blank if you don't want a playercommand or consolecommand.
  playercommandonleave: 'ban'
  consolecommandonleave: 'say Leaving region 5'
 regiondata.yml sample
      X: 0
      Y: 0
      Z: 0
      X: 0
      Y: 0
      Z: 0
      X: 0
      Y: 0
      Z: 0
      X: 0
      Y: 0
      Z: 0
      X: 0
      Y: 0
      Z: 0
      X: 0
      Y: 0
      Z: 0
      X: 0
      Y: 0
      Z: 0
      X: 0
      Y: 0
      Z: 0
      X: 0
      Y: 0
      Z: 0
      X: 0
      Y: 0
      Z: 0
/location view <location1/location2> - view the positions set by the wand.
/cr help - brings out the command list.
/cr save <1-5> - saves a region.
/cr delete <1-5> - deletes a region.
/cr wand - obtain the wand to select the positions.
/cr reload - reloads the plugin. - reloads config.yml & regiondata.yml
A short video explaining how the plugin works. (NOTE:You can change the commands to whatever you like.)

Using this plugin on your server? Private message me and you might see your server featured here!
Upcoming features
  • GUI interaction, listing things such as your regions, adding commands via GUI, messages, etc.
  • More regions available. I understand that there are limited regions right now, the reason is really simple; I'm currently trying to develop my own region making system and I'm actively trying to find ways to upgrade it and make it more efficient. I ask that you be very patient because I can assure you that this plugin would be updated regularly.
  • More commands in a region if the feedback is high.
Feel free to list any more suggestions! I am actively trying to implement features to the plugin, but not to worry, I will be reading each and every one of the feedbacks/suggestions given and try to implement it accordingly.
Found a bug? Please private-message me or join the support Discord server. Please do not put it in the reviews section as reviews are not for bugs.
I'd also like to give thanks to SirHyperNova for broadening my imagination.
Visit my other plugins:
(An extremely efficient way of economic balancing, allowing poorer players to have a chance to earn.)
(Potion Creation allows your players to create potions with their choice of effect(s) with a fee! Supports up to 14 effects in one potion.)
If you'd want to support me and my future plugins, buy me a coffee here.
(Proudly sponsored by TorchNode)
Join the support server here,