


IMPORTANT: This plugin requires Vault to work!

What is it?

CommandCost is a very simple plugin which lets you take money from players when they execute a certain command.


  • Support for infinetly many commands! (Or at least until the config file takes up the entire hard drive...)
  • Compatible with most Economy plugin through the use of the Vault API.
  • Permission to bypass the command cost!


  • /cmdcost reload - Reloads the plugins configuration file. Permission node: commandcost.reload
  • commandcost.bypass - Allows users to execute commands without having to pay.
  • commandcost.* - Gives access to all of the plugin's permissions.


# Configuration file for CommandCost.
# The '§' character can be used for colour codes in this file.
# Message to be displayed when the money has been deducted from the players account.
command-success-message: '§e%amount% has been deducted from your account!'
# Message to be displayed when the user doesn't have enough money.
command-fail-message: '§cYou do not have enough money to execute this command!'
# Command names should be without the '/' character.
# Example:
#  mycommand:
#    cost: 60
# Please note that indentations need to be spaces, not tabs! If you are having problems getting your config file to work correctly, try putting it through a YAML parser.
# An online YAML parser can be found here:

Commands should be under the "commands:" section, following the format described in the comments of the file.


Have you found a bug/want to make a feature request? Post an issue on the GitHub page! You can also submit a PullRequest on the github page if you feel like coding!