- 1
Achievement file material names list
#208 opened by MikeGold - 3
Achievement items not given
#209 opened by MikeGold - 3
Exception in thread "Craft Scheduler Thread - 40"
#159 opened by FrozenDroid - 0
Error when getting on and off the server.
#160 opened by sossos1988 - 0
Guests stay as guests
#161 opened by sossos1988 - 6
Convert Forum <-> Minecraft Economy
#162 opened by SXRWahrheit - 6
Connecting Config with PermissionsBukkit
#163 opened by michico - 2
Player IP Comparison Suggestion
#164 opened by LJasonH - 0
Add feature to player linking to utilize UUID as a lookup instead of player name
#165 opened by iain-davis - 5
Configuration Support
#166 opened by jwflory - 2
Wordpress Guide for CB
#167 opened by Khailz - 1
Won't connect to remote web mysql
#168 opened by wmenke - 2
#169 opened by jwflory - 1
Not loading
#170 opened by cmr2333 - 10
#171 opened by Eelviny - 10
[2.3.1] Unable to connect to MySQL server that is not localhost
#172 opened by jwflory - 21
problem with updating secondary groups with xenforo
#173 opened by goflish - 2
Mybb support?
#174 opened by ProfessorChill - 2
Can't find port when port is there?
#175 opened by ProfessorChill - 5
CommunityBridge won't recognice the ban table name
#176 opened by epullay - 9
Not De-Ranking after Forums Update
#177 opened by lskitto - 9
Wont update website / doesnt derank secondary groups
#178 opened by Chewychunga - 9
Feature: Web secondary groups to be treated as primary.
#179 opened by hockeymikey - 3
CommunityBridge v2.3.5.449 generated an exception while executing task ...
#180 opened by h8crew - 4
Having an issue with Xenforo and secondarygroups.
#181 opened by pixelbat - 7
2 way sync not working and doesn't remove secondary groups
#182 opened by Chewychunga - 5
CB Seems to Add Ranks too Rather than Set Ranks to
#183 opened by goflish - 6
Adding new groups to player, rather than setting player's group.
#184 opened by Pawned - 5
URGENT: CommunityBridge potentially corrupting XenForo "secondary_group_ids" table
#185 opened by jwflory - 0
Error while checking 'player-user-linking.key-column' - Empty column name
#186 opened by iroflu - 2
Error while checking 'player-user-linking.playername-column' set to '': Empty column name
#187 opened by iroflu - 0
Create groups on the fly for GroupManager
#188 opened by iain-davis - 0
Create groups on the fly for PermissionsBukkit
#189 opened by iain-davis - 0
Create groups on the fly for zPermissions
#190 opened by iain-davis - 1
getGroups() fails to retrieve group list on Vault
#191 opened by iain-davis - 0
Command on website account creation
#192 opened by Chewychunga - 8
Xenforo Configuration For Noobs
#193 opened by EddieFriday - 4
Wordpress Config 1.7.9 Server Port Error
#196 opened by kingsblend - 23
Joomla Configuration & GroupManager
#194 opened by EddieFriday - 2
promote guest to member when registering on website
#195 opened by Fireant456 - 7
Tables do not exist / Database configuration issue
#197 opened by IndieCrusader - 6
Unregistered users aren't reminded to register
#198 opened by cambeaney - 3
Wont auto synchronize with xenforo
#199 opened by FallenFoe - 1
Allow only named forum/perm groups to be allowed to join server
#200 opened by JamieKG - 0
"Every X posts" option for achievements
#201 opened by SXRWahrheit - 3
Last-online formatted date incorrect
#202 opened by FrozenDroid - 10
Configuring Group Sync
#203 opened by GrnEyedDvl - 15
Hierarchical Group Synchronization
#204 opened by SXRWahrheit - 7
MyBB Configuration
#206 opened by connorrichlen - 2
CB trying to connect to database locally, even though remote database is set...
#207 opened by pixelbat