- 2
Error Syncing Game Time
#210 opened by CoolV1994 - 0
CloudNet unterstüzung?
#262 opened by FreddyHD - 2
Color Codes in Player Messages
#211 opened - 2
MyBB custom profile fields
#212 opened by Dyllaann - 1
Handling Multiple Minecraft Accounts via one profile field
#213 opened by bl968 - 0
group ID lookup failure
#214 opened by SK-Crow - 2
Help configuring
#215 opened by nathan3882 - 3
ranks messing up
#216 opened by theshadyonehd - 1
Mysql Timeout?
#218 opened by Tim-NL - 46
Something is not quite right (Async)
#219 opened by th2000125 - 2
Not changing permissions group
#220 opened - 3
Player Game Time Stats Issue
#221 opened by M00T1CU5 - 1
Secondary group sync disabled
#222 opened by terokorp - 4
uuid identifier-column in mysql
#224 opened by cancabron - 1
MariaDB server
#225 opened by Vilican - 2
Won't correctly work with MyBB
#226 opened by AidanAtkins - 5
Custom Requirements?
#227 opened by audiophoenix - 3
UUID without hyphen (‐)
#228 opened by cancabron - 2
#229 opened by FlashModz - 1
"Error occurred while enabling CommunityBridge v2.6.0.000 (Is it up to date?)"
#230 opened by Fleoh - 2
Compatability with BungeePerms
#231 opened by connorbking - 1
lags and Server Errors
#232 opened by K475u - 0
Error while checking 'player-user-linking.user-id-column
#233 opened by ozm8 - 1
going into random groups
#234 opened by ozm8 - 0
Could you add another requirement please to limit group id access, it should work something like the post limit?
#235 opened by GazCBG - 2
Getting an error on sync of groups (Xenforo)
#236 opened by Fortifier42 - 0
Achievement items
#237 opened by cronoszeu - 0
zPermissions Integration
#238 opened - 0
How do i install With MyBB
#239 opened by rkomonkey2 - 0
Error | Using MyBB
#240 opened by rkomonkey2 - 1
Error on player join and quit (group from XenForo not pulling across into Minecraft)
#241 opened by Pawned - 0
Need help with connecting with MyBB with server/GroupManager
#242 opened by Haslien - 0
How to use with Simple Machines Forum
#243 opened by cm8263 - 0
Simple Synchronization Disabled bc. Prior Error?
#244 opened by clovisd - 2
Minecraft 1.9
#245 opened by Vilican - 0
Exception in thread "pool-3-thread-36"
#247 opened - 0
- 0
[MyBB] Could someone make a example how to use it with MyBB? would be really nice!
#249 opened by Fundryi - 2
PowerfulPerms Support
#250 opened by Zazeca - 3
Issues with spigot 1.10.2
#252 opened by poblabs - 0
PEX Rank to SMF
#251 opened - 0
PEX / MyBB - Arraw error
#253 opened by Floflobel - 1
Make it compatible with Sponge 1.10
#254 opened by xorinzor - 1
- 1
#256 opened by archeonkhan - 2
Xenforo Syncs incompletely
#257 opened by nick-perry14 - 0
Database error when trying to connect
#258 opened by aplisov - 0
Ban Sync
#259 opened - 0
Bungeecord support?
#260 opened by Mrs-Feathers - 4
No Luckperms?
#261 opened by TomLewis