by Gcflames5
Have you ever wanted to own your own company? Well, now you can, with Company Craft! Start a company, hire your friends, make money, sell stock, sell items, and much more coming soon!
What I'm working on right now: Updating to 1.5
Have you ever wanted to own your own company? Well, now you can, with Company Craft! Start a company, hire your friends, make money, sell stock, sell items, and much more coming soon!
- Owner
- Executive
- Manager
- Employee
- Intern
Known Bugs:
- Once you buy stock, you cannot re-sell it
- /ccInfo is horribly buggy
- Each command has "This is a demo command" as its description
Resolved Bugs:
- People retain their stock when a company is disbanded
- No way of knowing when you gain money because of stock, but it still works, you just have to notice the change in your money
To-Do List:
- Add /ccPay
- Add /ccSellMyStock
- Add a recent log for each company's and each person's transactions
- Add /ccChat
- Add loans
- Add buying items (Duh should of thought of this before :p)
- MAJOR: Add skills (i.e. woodcutting, mining, combat, merchandising, etc)
- MAJOR: Tekkit Compatibility!
- MAJOR: Add MySQL support (tentative, I will have to totally learn JDBC first)
- MAJOR: Hook Protection into WorldEdit
- MAJOR: Add real time stocks that affect buying/selling/trading
- MAJOR: Add shops!
- MAJOR: Compatibility with Vault! All plugins that use vault's economy feature will be able to use the money you gain from CompanyCraft!
- Add a company home
- Add /ccMyStocks
- Add /ccSellItemInHand
- Add demoting and promoting
- createCompany: creates a company, if the player has enough money specified in the config.yml file
- ccProtect: will protect a block/chest/door/furnace for your company employees to use only
- ccLeave: will leave your company
- ccList: shows all of the companies
- ccInvite: invites a player to your company (may be renamed to /ccHire)
- ccJoin: joins a company if you have an invite
- ccInfo: lists the description and name of company, along with all of the players and their positions within your company
- ccMoney: displays your current personal money
- ccBalance: displays your current personal money
- ccDisband: disbands a company
- ccSellStock: sells the amount of stock you specify at the price per share you specify
- ccStockList: lists all of the stocks for sale by each company
- ccBuyStock: buys stock in a company
- ccSellItem: will sell an item, seller gets %50, rest of money is divided among company shareholders
- ccSellItemInHand: sell items in you hand
- ccSetHome: If owner, set the home
- ccHome: Go to company home
- ccSign: selected sign will update the real time stocks every 5 mins
- stock: shows the real time stock for each type of company
- ccSetPosition: change the position of the specified player, must be an Executive or higher to use
- Screenshots coming soon