What is CompleteRandomTeleport?
CompleteRandomTeleport is a plugin designed for, you guessed it! Completely random world teleportation. This plugin will never teleport you in the same location as another player, it will always give you a completely random location everytime. It notifies you how many blocks away you have teleported and makes a particle effect along with a sound effect just to add 'the cherry on top'! And another great thing about this plugin, as with all my plugins: No configuration or permissions required, just install and run your server!
/random - Teleports you to a random location in the world.
/rtp - Alias of /random
/randomtp - Alias of /random
/rteleport - Alias of /random
/randomteleport - Alias of /random
crt.* - Adds all permissions from the plugin to the player.
crt.teleport - Adds the permission to random teleport using the commands.
None required, just install and it's done!
1. Download the 'CompleteRandomTeleport.jar' file.
2. Place the 'CompleteRandomTeleport.jar' file you've downloaded into your plugins folder.
3. Start up your server.
Additional Notes
This plugin can be quite resource demanding at times so I would recommend combining this plugin with a delaying plugin so it is not abused.