ATTENTION: This plugin is STILL in development. Something will or will not work!
We still working on new features stay alert of that!
We ONLY will posting stable versions of this plugin!
Computer Plugin
This discription will be updated in future updates.
Things that you need to know!
How to create a computer?
Take a nether brick stair en shift rightclick on a block. The computer will spawn in and always will face you.
You can angle them by placing / looking sideways from the block that you clicked
How to remove a computer?
Just left click / hit the computer and you get a option to delete it or cancel it.
What makes this plugin special?
This plugin is made to add your own app to the computer.
For example our CCTV plugin has already the script in it.
This will mean if you put the computer and cctv plugin in your server you will see in the appstore that there is a new app.
How to ADD your own app in the appstore? (DEVELOPERS)
At this moment you need to include a certain script (featured below) in your own plugin.
With this our plugin will know that your plugin has a app that it has to load in.
Make sure that in your plugin.yml also is that our computer plugin is loaded before your plugin.
This is a example how you can make your own app.
//onEnabled if (getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("Computer")!=null) { try { ItemStack icon = new ItemStack(Material.WOOL); String name = "SheepAPP"; int appID = 10; boolean inAppStore = true; ApplicationFunctions.registerNewApplication(icon , name, sheepFunctions.class.getMethod("StartAPP", Player.class), appID, inAppStore); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
//sheepFunctions //Your function can ONLY contain player as a argument and it always has to have it! public static void StartAPP(Player player){ //Do something //Open new inventory }