Search And Destroy minecraft style

that's right the popular game map of search and destroy has come to minecraft

Game Play

  • Two Teams
  • One Team Tries to deploy the bomb in a certain location
  • The other Team Tries to defuse the bomb and or kill the other team before they place the bomb
  • Matches normally last about 5-10 minutes
  • every team is made up of a maximum of 10 members
  • one team has tnt and flint and steel to try and place the bomb and ignite it
  • the other team has shears that will defuse the bomb and make take more than one attempt to do.

Expected Commands

  • /snd join - randomly selects a team to join
  • /snd join red - joins the red team if you have
  • /snd join black - joins the black team if you have
  • /snd join spect - joins the spectators if you have snd.join.spec