

Hi Everyone, I have been searching for good crate plugins... But i could only find CratesPlus wich is for Spigot. So i decided to make my own in my own way. However, this is my first plugin i ever made/ ever tried to make. i normally don't do things like this so i hope this will come to an good end!.

What this plugin does: My meaning is to make something that looks like cratesplus but then for bukkit. So you can make your own crates in the config and name them how you like to name them. then players can open them with crate keys. the crates will also have holographic displays above them so you can see the name. butt before getting excited about this plugin, i will warn you that there is a big chance that it is not going to work, sorry. but perhaps it will! And i will update everything till it's done and i will try as hard as i can! because i need it for my server and maybe you too. let's hope so!

Features: - Custom Crates {Config} - Custom Content {Config} - Crate Keys

