Console CMD Sender
/console – Send Console Commands via Ingame
Aliases - consolesender, consolesend
Permission - consolesender.use
Once a version with config enabled is out this will be the default Config
Prefix: '&7[&bConsoleSender&7] ' - Prefix for Plugin
CommandSent: '&aSent Command >> &b' - Message when command has been sent
NoCmd: '&4Please specify a command to send to console.' - Message when there are no args
NoPerm: '&4Sorry you do not have permission to use this command' - Message when you don't have perms
Once a version with config enabled is out this will be the default Config
Prefix: '&7[&bConsoleSender&7] ' - Prefix for Plugin
CommandSent: '&aSent Command >> &b' - Message when command has been sent
NoCmd: '&4Please specify a command to send to console.' - Message when there are no args
NoPerm: '&4Sorry you do not have permission to use this command' - Message when you don't have perms