

Contracts is an economic plugin that allows users to create service contracts within Minecraft. It adds a layer of protection to deals between players. This way nobody's going to get stiffed from a bad deal. At the moment, only iConomy is planned to be supported.

This plugin is a work in progress and is not yet fully defined.


Flat-file database! Permissions support! iConomy support! Configurability!


/contract help - Lists contract commands. /contract list <mine|all|signed|open|disputed> - Lists contracts /contract create <number>- Creates a new contract and returns a contract number. /contract owner <number> <name> - Assigns the owner of the contract. The owner pays the contract value when the contract is signed. /contract contractor <number> <name> - Assigns who will get paid upon completion. /contract value <number> <value> - Assigns the value of the contract. /contract desciption <number> <description of terms> - Adds a description of the contract. /contract sign <number> - Signs a contract. Once all parties sign, the owner is debited the value. /contract complete <number> - Marks a contract as complete, paying the contractor the value. /contract cancel <number> - Cancel a contract if not signed, or vote to cancel a signed contract. All parties must vote to cancel a contract that has been signed. /contract dispute <number> - Dispute a contract you've signed. /contract disputed - Lists disputed contracts /contract read <number - Look at a contract /contract resolve <number> <amt to pay contractor> - Resolve a disputed contract.

Permissions contracts.list.disputed contracts.list.all contracts.list.signed contracts.list.mine contracts.create contracts.owner contracts.contractor contracts.value contracts.description contracts.sign contracts.complete contracts.cancel contracts.dispute contracts.resolve