Download CPK v0.5.0 ~ Download CPK v0.4.1 ~ Download CPK v0.3.0
CPK is updated from time-to-time, but it shouldn't be broken by minecraft updates. This means that even if the plugin is outdated, it should still work like new.
What is CPK? CPK started out as my first project with Java, but has since evolved into an amazing addition for CraftBukkit servers. CPK adds many fun things to multiplayer, such as spawning animals that are already tamed to you, spawning pigs that explode after ten seconds, generating massive anvil-shooting nukes and a bunch of other stuff. CPK commands can be individually disabled in the configuration, so you can further customize it to only have the commands you want.
This was (and still is) my very first plugin, and as such, expect ALOT of updates. As it is, it comes with the following, simple, and fun commands:
Mechanical Commands:
- /renameitem - Renames the item-in-hand using & for color codes.
- /enchantunsafe - Places any enchantment at any level on any item
- /addpotioneffect - COMING SOON - Places custom effects onto potions
Fun Commands:
- /godify - Places ALL enchantments (at max level) on the item in-hand
- /legendify - Places ALL enchantments (At level X (10!)) on the item in-hand
- /swagify - Places ALL enchantments (AT LEVEL 100!!!) on the item in-hand
- /empower - Grants you every single positive potion effect (IV) for a minute.
- /tamekitten - Spawns a random-colored, tamed (automatically your's) kitten at your feet.
- /pigbomb - Spawns an adorable piglet ... only to detonate it.
- /tamepuppy - Guess.
- /anvilnuke - Let there be anvils!... a lot of anvils.
- /curse - Curse players with all negative, non-damaging potion effects.
- /alcoholify - Turns potions to yummy alcohol!
World Generation Commands:
- /housegen - Generates a house for you to live in.
- /farmgen - Generates farmland to grow crops upon.
- /setbiome - Changes the biome within a certain radius.
Misc Commands:
- /cpkhelp - Brings up a list of the above commands and their descriptions.
Permission nodes:
cryptosplugin.* cryptosplugin.godify cryptosplugin.legendify cryptosplugin.swagify cryptosplugin.empower cryptosplugin.cpkhelp cryptosplugin.tamekitten cryptosplugin.tamepuppy cryptosplugin.housegen cryptosplugin.setbiome cryptosplugin.pigbomb cryptosplugin.farmgen cryptosplugin.anvilnuke cryptosplugin.arrowstorm cryptosplugin.curse cryptosplugin.renameitem cryptosplugin.enchantunsafe cryptosplugin.alcoholify
- / Added '/alcoholify' command to change water bottles into alcohol!
- Using '/setbiome' now makes a circle, not a diamond (ouch that was embarrassing)
- Errors caused by strings in numeric fields fixed
- '/anvilnuke' now displays a message when used
- Numerous smaller edits and fixes
- Update checker will not run at all if alertnewupdates in config is set to false.
- / Added '/renameitem' command to change the name of an item. Use & for color codes.
- / Added '/enchantunsafe' command to add any level enchantment to any item
- / Configuration is now in place.
- / Commands may be disabled in the Configuration
- / CPK will now alert you in the console when a new update is out
- / Update-alert can be disabled in the configuration
- '/pigbomb' now uses tnt explosions, so anti-explosion plugins will prevent grief*
I'll be adding new commands by the day, and I'm putting this up purely for feedback and suggestions, so enjoy <3
- (DONE!)Allow empower to be inflicted upon other users