Craft The Rules

Craft The Rules


Craft The Rules

Allow your players to craft their very own copy of the server's rulebook, by crafting with logs! If you wish to create rulebook that is seamless with your server and its play, especially a mainly survival/vanilla one, then you might be happy with this plugin. This doesn't provide a default rulebook, as you probably won't want your players to be able to craft it yet when you haven't set the rules. You can set the rulebook using the main command of the plugin.

(Example Rulebook)

 Example Rulebook


  • Set through console the rulebook used (requires a player online with a book in hand)
  • Crafting with a log in the corner of the crafting matrix will provide the rulebook
  • Crafting with a log for the first time will provide the rulebook
  • Mode (disabled by default) in which a permission is required to craft the book
  • Obtain the rulebook by command alternatively (/rulebook)

Installation and Usage

Follow these steps to get the plugin working on your server:

  1. Download the plugin and put it in your plugins folder
  2. Restart or reload the server (not recommended to use /rl)
  3. Write a book and quill on the server that will be the rulebook, and sign it. Then hold it in your hand.
  4. Type in console /ctr (your username), and the rulebook will be updated


  • crafttherules.craft: Allows crafting of the book, if specified as required in the config.yml
  • crafttherules.administrator: (default: false/not given for operators and non-operators): Allows you to use /ctr
  • crafttherules.rulebook: (default: operators) Allows for /rulebook, which will give you the book alternatively to crafting it

Planned Additions

I'm currently busy on a number of plugins, but decided to get this one out early since it is one of the simplest, and also a fun one to use and work on. I plan on adding an option for you to set the crafting recipes, and an easier way of editing the book without having a player in-game, which will include being able to add and remove individual rules.

Let me know what you think of the project, and (you don't have to) any interesting or fun rules you come up with!