CraftEssence - Its a rollup of all general commands a server uses and a few unique features!
Version: v2.4.0
Sourcecode | Issue Tracker | Test Builds |
Its a rollup of all general commands a server uses such as /spawn and /home there are also unique features such as auto kick when afk.
- Greets unique visitors
- Auto AFK - Flags users afk that are inactive after a time period.
- Auto Kick - Kicks users that go afk after a time period.
- Uses Bukkits built in peristance for sqlite and mysql saving.
- Permissions - Compatible with PermissionsBukkit.
- Editable items file for adding new items or aliases.
- Configurable motd.
- Creature Blacklist
- ENABLE_VOTE: true "leave this true if you want to use the vote command"
- VOTE_TIMER: 30 "time is in seconds"
- ENABLE_AFK: true "leave this true if you want to use the autoafk system"
- AFK_TIMER: 300 "time in seconds to flag a player afk"
- KICK_TIMER: 300 "time in seconds to kick the player after being flagged for a time period"
- UNIQUE_MSG: A new player has joined the server! "Allows you to customize new player messages"
Commands, Descriptions, and Permissions
- "/spawn" - Teleports you to spawn - craftessence.spawn
- "/setspawn" - Sets spawn location - craftessence.setspawn
- "/home" - Teleports you to home location or spawn if not set - craftessence.home
- "/home <player>" - Teleports you to a target players home - craftessence.home.admin
- "/home invite <player>" - Invite player to your home - craftessence.home.invite
- "/home accept" - accepts players invite and teleports you to there home - craftessence.home.accept
- "/sethome" - Sets home location - craftessence.sethome
- "/support" - Sends a message to admins - use on the ranks that u want /support to be sent to
- "/item [id] [amount]" - Adds item to your inventory
- "/give [player] [id] [amount]" - Adds item to target players inventory
- "/tp [player] <player>" - Teleports you to target player or player to player
- "/tphere [player|*]" - Teleports target player to you or all online players - craftessence.tphere
- "/warp [name]" - Teleports you to selected warp save - craftessence.warp
- "/setwarp [name]" - Saves warp location - craftessence.setwarp
- "/playerlist" - Shows online players - craftessence.playerlist
- "/heal <player>" - Will increase or decrease your life depending on value if no value it will fully heal you - craftessence.heal
- "/hunger <player>" - Will restore your hunger to full - craftessence.hunger
- "/clearinventory [player]" - Clears your inventory or another players - craftessence.clearinventory
- "/broadcast" - Broadcasts a colored message to all online players - craftessence.broadcast
- "/me [message]" Roleplay style emotes -
- "/mail [read:send:delete]" - Send and recieve mail from players - craftessence.mail
- "/kit [name]" - Self explanitory i think - craftessence.kit
- "/jump" - Aim crosshair over location and use command and you will tele to there - craftessence.jump
- "/god <player>" - Toggles you or another player to invincible - craftessence.god
- "/kill [player|*]" - Kills selected player, yourself, or all players - craftessence.kill
- "/kick [player|*] <reason>" - Kick player or players with optional message - craftessence.kick
- "/ban [player] <reason>" - Kicks player and adds them to ban list with optional message - craftessence.ban
- "/compass" - Tell you the direction you are pointing - craftessence.compass
- "/pardon [player]" - Removes player from ban list - craftessence.pardon
- "/msg [player] [message]" - Sends private messages to player - craftessence.msg
- "/reply" - Send a message to the last player that /msg you - craftessence.reply
- "/mute [player]" - Toggles a player from being muted to unmuted - craftessence.mute
- "/worldlist" - List all loaded worlds - craftessence.worldlist
- "/motd" - Displays the servers message of the day - craftessence.motd
- "/spawnmob <mobname> [ammount]" - Spawns mob at target location. - craftessence.spawnmob
- "/afk" - Flags yourself afk, movement will unflag you. - craftessence.afk
- "/reply" - Replies to the last person who has /msg'd you - craftessence.reply
- "/vote [clear:day:night:kick]" - Voting command that allows player to vote on time or kick a player -,,,,
Todo List
- Got something you would like to see? Let me know!
Known Issues
None that im aware of